Rye-imagine For Amy (smut)

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Amy's pov:

I woke up, but I refused to open my eyes.
I tried to sleep a bit more but as I turned around I felt the empty bed.
I gripped on the sheets and my eyes shot open.
I looked around i didn't see rye.
Then as I took my phone I found a sticky note on the bedside table.

"I'm going for a run. I'll be back. Love you - rye"

I fell back on the bed and tried to fall asleep again.
As I was about to reach the dream world I heard the door opening.
I opened my eyes and looked at it.
Rye appeared.
He was shirtless and the sweat shone as the sunshine pierced through the window and reflected on his skin.
Hus hair was stuck to his forehead.
He looked like a Greek God.
He smiled at me.

Rye:" hey. I'm sorry if I woke you up. "

Amy:" hey. No you didn't. How was your run?"

I said smiling back.

Rye:" good."

He walked to the bed and sat on it next to me.
I closed my eyes enjoying his soft hands on my skin.
Hie fingers tips traced up and down my hip.

Rye:" did you sleep well?"

I opened my eyes and immediately met his.

Amy:" not since you went on that run."

Then he stroked my hair gently and slowly leaned on me.
Then his lips met mine on a delicate kiss.
Then the kiss turned into a heated kiss.
He carefully positioned over me.
He gripped on my hips as I slipped my tongue in his mouth.
My hands tangled in his hair, tugging slightly.
Then his lips left mine and he started kissing down my neck.
He lifted my hoodie and kissed my stomach a slowly reaching my centre.
He slid my underwear down my legs and as his hands ran up and down my legs he flicked his tongue in me.
One of his hands slid under my hoodie and kneaded my breast while I moaned his name.
I ran my fingers through his hair.
Suddenly a warm feeling raising in my lower stomach and. Alous moan left my lips.
He leveled his lips with mine again and I kissed him.
Then I took control and moved on top of him.
I kissed donw his chest tasting the salty flavor of his skin.
I undid the string of his sweatpants and pulled them down.
Then I pulled down his underwear, freeing his length.
I took off my hoodie and lowered myself on him.
I tested my hands on his chest.
I loved back and forth on him.
Then he garpbebd the back of my knee and pulled it upper on the bed,making me feel very inche of him.
Then in a quick move he flipped us over so that he was on top.
He pushed in and out of me burying his head in my chest.
His breath hit my skin making me get  goosebumps.
He increased the pce at every push.
My hands gripped on his back leaving red marks.
He groaned and onwc again he sent a shiver down my spine.
Then my breath hitched and my back arched as I orgasned.
I rode out my orgasm and his thrusts bacame sloppier and with a few more pushes he was done too.
His lisp pronuoced my name sexily.
He laid next to me and I rested my head on his chest.
He stroked my hair gently and i tried to catch my breath.

Rye:" baby, what do you wanna do today?"

He asked.

Amy:" I don't know. But I think that I just went to the gym."

I giggled.

Rye:" how was your work out?"

Amy:" it was hella good."

I kissed his chest and listened tk his heartbeat.

Rye:" I love you."

He kissed my head.

Amy:" I love you too."

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