Rye-imagine For Rebecca (smut)

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Rebecca's pov:

I just got out of work and decide to get a coffee in the cofè near here.
They make the best caramel macchiato.
I made my way down the street and quickly got in.
I bought my coffee and walked out.
My phone beeped and I looked at a the new text.
Without realizing it I bumped into someone as I looked up I saw a huge coffee stain on someone's t-shirt.

Rebecca:" I'm so sorry I didn't mean-"

As I looked up I stopped talking.
I can't believe who's in front of me.
My ex. Ryan Beaumont.
He looked at me wide-eyed.

Rye:" Rebecca, what are you doing here? I thought you were still in Bristol."

Rebecca:" I moved here a month ago. Now I work in the office near here"

Rye:" why didn't you tell me?"

Rebecca:" I didn't think you even remembered me."

He didn't answer he just looked at me deep in thoughts.

Rebecca:" I'm so sorry about your t-shirt. Let me buy you a new one"

Rye:"no, it's fine."

Rebecca:" no at least come to my flat and let me clean it up. It's just a few minutes away from here."

Rye:" fine, let's go"

We started walking down the street.

Rye: "so how have you been?"

Rebecca:" fine, you?"

Rye:" fine too."

This conversation was quite awkward.
As we reached my flat we got in and I took off my uncomfortable shoes.

Rye:" this is a nice flat"

It sounded like he tried to make a conversation starting with the stupidest topic.

Rebecca:" thank you. Now give me your shirt so that I can put it in the washing machine."

He followed behind me while I walked towards the washing room, as I call it. There's a washing machine and a dryer next to it.
He got in after me and, I don't know why but he closed the door.

Rebecca:" so? Your shirt"

He looked at me deep in thoughts again and then snapped out of his state.

Rye :" yes, here"

Then he took it off. I couldn't help it but looked at his bare chest.
Hes even fitter than  I remembered.
He handed me his top and put it in the washing machine.
I could feel his gaze on every move I did.
I looked at him, his gaze was lost in mine.
Suddenly his lips were on mine.
We broke up a year ago but I think I'm still not over it.
Probably he's not over it too.
We kissed passionately.
He rested his hands on my bum and he lifted me off the ground.
He made me sit on the machine, which was on.
He positioned himself in between my legs, my hair tangled in his hair and I pulled him closer to me.
He left my lips a dead started kissing my neck.
He slowly undid the buttons of my shirt and opened it completely exposing my red lace bra.
He looked at me and smirk.

Rye:" I did remember all of your lace lingerie."

Then he started kissing my skin again.
He unzipped my skirt and pulled it off.
His hands rubbed up my legs sending shivers down my body.
He kissed his way down to my core.
He quickly pulled my underwear off and flicked his tongue in me.
He worked in me faster.
My back arched and my head tilted back.
His name left my mouth loudly and for a few seconds I felt in heaven.
Then he kissed my lips again.
I unzipped his pants and took them off then on a few minutes he entered me fiercely.
He pushed in and out of me increasing the pace at every push.
He groaned burying his head in my neck.
We kept on going until we reached our climax.

Rye :" wow, you're even better than I rembered."

He said breathing heavily.

Rebecca:" well, thank you. You are the same."

I joked.

Rye:" don't offend me."

He said tickling my side.
He stopped and we stared into each other's eyes deeply.
His hair was messy and his eyes were a darker color.
I ran a hand through his hair and fixed it.
I left a kiss on his nose like I used to do when we were a couple.

Rye:" Rebecca, I never really got over you. I still wonder what you do every day. And I still want to call you but I never have enough courage to do it."

Rebecca:" I never got over you too."

Rye:" will be my girlfriend, again?"
I nodded and kissed him.

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