Rye-imagine for alexis

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Alexis' pov:

Alexis:" rye can you helm me, please?"

Rye:" I'm coming"

He shouted from the kitchen.
With this belly bump it's hard to do even the easiest things.
I'm height months pregnant, nearly nine.
I can't wait for this baby to get out.
First of all the belly bump is really uncomfortable and I want to finally hug my boy.
It's my first baby and I'm worried I won't be a good mother but I know that Rye is gonna be the perfect father.
Rye entered the room.

Rye:" why did you call me?"

Alexis:" can you tie my shoes? Please."

I made puppy eyes at him.

Rye:" fine."

He sighed before kneeling down in front of me and tied my shoes.

Alexis:" thank you"

He looked up at me and left a kiss on my belly before getting up.

Rye:" you welcome babe."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.
He kissed me.
As we pulled apart I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.
I winced in pain.

Rye:" babe are you OK?"

He asked with a worried expression.

Alexis:" i think it's time, please take me to the hospital"

Rye:" yes, of course let's go"

Again a sharp pain hit me and again I winced.

Rye:" can you walk?"

Alexis:" yes just take the bag and let's go"

He took quickly the bag we had ready.
It's and month that we have a bag ready for the hospital.
We headed to the car and drove to the hospital.
The pain were always more frequent.
As soon as we got there I filled in the papers and  I got in a room.
As soon as I got in there my waters broke.
I changed clothes and laid on the bed.
The pains were more frequent and soon I was in labour.
Rye was always by my side. he didn't want to leave me.
After a few hours our baby was born.
It's a boy.
As soon as I was back in my room the nurse came with our baby.
She gave him to me and I wrapped my arms around him delicately.
He's so small.

Rye:" he's so cute"

Rye sat next to me. He stretched his hand towards our son and he wrapped his small hand around one of rye's fingers.

Alexis:" he's gonna be as handsome as his father."

Rye:" I called the boys, they're coming in a bit. And my parents are coming tomorrow"

In a few minutes the boys arrived.
They all piled in the room.

Andy:" can I hold him"

I gave him the small creature and he held him closely swinging him sweetly.

Mukey:" how did you call him"

Brook:" can you call him Brooklyn"

Rye:" Brook we are not gonna give him your name. Anyway we thought about it and we want to call him James."

Jack:" i like it. It sounds good. James beaumont."

Alexis:" yes it does."

I smiled widely just as Rye.
One by one the boys held him.
Eventually Brook gave him back to Rye. He didn't want to let go of him.
The boys had to go but I have to stay in here for couple of days.
As we were left alone I put James in his crib.
He was really tired and as soon as he touched the soft plushness of the small mattress he fell asleep.

Rye:" he's adorable"

Alexis:" He his"

He got closer to me and kissed me.

Rye:" I love you"

Alexis:" i love you too"

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @ Aurora_Fowler04

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