Brook-imagine for romee

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Romee's pov:

Today Brook invited me to his house.
We have to study science together as he doesn't really understand it.
So he asked me to help him.
And gladly said yes.
I'm so nervous.
I might have a small crush on him...
As soon as the bell rang I got out of the classroom to see Brook standing outside of it waiting for me.

Brook:" hey romee! Ready?"

He said excitedly.
I just nodded.

Brook:" let's go"

He took my hand and I felt butterflies in my stomach.
He's so cute.
We got in his house and he immediately took me to the kitchen.

Brook:" are you hungry? Do you want something to drink?"

Romee:" can I have just some water, please?"

Brook:"here you are".

Romee:" thank you"

I smiled weakly.
After he ate a sandwich we went up to his room.
I still haven't seen anyone other than so I think it's just the two of us.

Romee:" so let's start."

We took our books and after an hour or so we had a break.

Brook:" Romee do you think I'll be ready for the test?"

Romee:" yes don't worry."
He smiled widely. He's so cute.

Brook:" thank you"

Romee:" no problem"

We went back up in his room.
I took some other books from my backpack and I could feel his eyes following every move I did.
I turned around and sat next to him on the bed.
We started studying again.
As I rested my hand on the bed I felt his warm one on mine.
I looked at our hands and then looked at him.
He did the same.
We were staring into each others eyes.
His green emeralds were a deeper color.
He started leaning on me slowly.
Our noses were nearly touching.
I could feel his breath on my face.
In that moment I felt butterflies in my stomach.
Suddenly the space between us desappeared and his soft lips were on mine.
I closed my eyes enjoying every bit of that kiss.
That kiss left a sweet taste on my mouth and a warm feeling on my lips.
He pulled apart and I slowly opened my eyes.
I looked at him a bit confused.
He looked away and got up.

Brook:" I'm.. I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that."

I looked at him even more confused. He thinks I didn't like it?

Brook:" I'm sorry, if you want to pretend it never happened, it's fine. I.."

I didn't let him finish that I got up and laid a hand on his shoulder.

Romee:" Brook."

He looked at me but didn't stop talking.

Brook:" no romee don't try making me feel better."

Roamee:" Brook!"

I rised my voice a bit.

Brook:" Romee, I'm really sorry"

Without thinking about it I kissed him.
He didn't hesitate before kissing me back.
We pulled apart and we both took a deepbreath.

Brook:" Romee I like you, like more than friends and I know you don't like me but..."

Again I didn't kettle him finish and I just kissed him.

Romee:" i like you too"

All that came out his mouth was a surprised 'oh'.
Then he kissed me again this time roughly, passionately.
It took my breath away.
We laid on the bed without breaking the kiss.
I was on top of him. His hands were tight on my waist. While mine were tangled in his hair tugging slightly.
He let out a low groan.
His hands slowly sliding down my bum.
He squeezed it slightly making me gasp.
That kissed turned into a make out session.
We both were breathless.
Then he started kissing down my neck. I could feel him leaving a mark on it.
I let out a moan making him smile against my skin.
He looked up at me. He looked straight into my eyes.

Brook:"Romee will you be my girlfriend? "

Romee:" yes!"

I kissed him again.
He got off me and laid next to me.

Brook:" do you wanna watch a movie?"

I nodded before laying my head on his chest. He pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around my body.

Romee:" what film?"

Brook:" whatever you want"

We watched a film until it was time for me to get back home.

Brook:" bye romee, thank you for everything"

Romee:" no problem, bye brook"

We kissed and I walked home feeling over the moon.

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @ Aurora_Fowler04

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