Andy-imagine for Chrisa

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Chrisa's pov:

I woke up early this morning.
It's around 8 a.m and Andy is still sleeping.
I had a quick shower. I wrapped a towel around my body and got in my room. as i got in the bedroom andy woke up.

Chrisa:" good morning"

I smiled.

Andy:" wow id like to wake up like this everyday."

He siad looking at me up and down.
My towel was quite short but that's fine.
I laughed quietly at his statment and started changing.
I sat on the bed.
I had on a calvin klein black set.

Andy:" what so you wanna do today?"

He aksed getting closer to.
He sat behind me.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

Chrisa:" i was thinking to go on a run."

He rested his head on my shoulder.

Andy:"I'm coming too maybe we can have breakfast out."

Chrisa:" yes let's get ready"

He kissed my cheek before getting out of bed and start dressing up.
As we were ready we headed downstairs.

Andy:" who arrives first at the end of the road?"

He smiled.

Chrisa:" let's see who wins"

And without waiting gor an answer i started racing down the street.

Andy:" that's not fair!"

Andy shouted and started running after me.
After a quick spreant i reached the end of the road and suddenly two strong arms wrapped round my waist and pulled me back.

Chrisa:" i won"

I smiled proudly.

Andy:" no you cheated"

Chrisa:" no i didn't . I won playing fair"

Andy:" no you didn't ."

Then he lifted my off the ground and spun me around.
As he let me stand on my feet he started tickling me.

Chrisa:" stop"

I said in between the laughs.

Andy:" Say i won."

Chrisa:"no i won, now stop!"

Andy:" i won't stop if you don't say that I won"

I was literally crying.

Chrisa : " fine you won."

He let me go.

Andy:"thank you. Now let's go"

Then we started jogging down the street towards the park.
As we reached it we stopped. We were both breathless.

Chrisa:" i think I might die"

Andy:" it was a good run though"

Chrisa:"yes "

Then we did some stretching. it's been an hour since we are out and I'm getting hungry.

Chrisa:"Andy do you wanna get breakfast? I'm hungry. "

Andy:" yes let's go"

We walked to a near bar and got in.
We sat t a table and a waiter came over to take our orders.
We got some tea, a coffee and two cockies.
We started talking and we didn't realise that another hour went by.
So we decided to go home. We paid the bill and started walking home.
I took his hand in mine and he pulled it up to his mouth and left a kiss on my knuckles.

Andy:" when we get home I'm gonna have a shower first."

Chrisa:" why can't i go first?"

Andy:" because you take ages"

He laughed.

Chrisa:" that's not true. I take the right amount of time"

I said feeling a bit guilty. I know it's true but i like annoying him.

Andy:" you take three times the right amount of time"

He laughed again. This time i laughed too.

Chrisa:" fine you're right. But i take long because i have long hair"

He looked at me raising a brow.
While talking we got home.

Andy:" you take long because you are slow"

He joked.

Chrisa:" who won this morning?"

Andy:" you cheated"

Chrisa:" that's not true"

Andy:" fine just go first"

Chrisa:" yay"

I cheered like a child.

Chrisa:" maybe its better if we
don't waste any time. Do you wanna come with me?"

I asked looking at him maliciously.

Andy:" don't ask twice"

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my instagram account @ aurora_fowler04

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