Mikey-imagine For Abbey

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Abbey's pov:

Mikey just called me: he asked if i had my afternoon free. He said that he wants to take me to a special place.
I agreed so I started getting ready.
I took a quick shower, and dressed.
I wore a pair of black trousers and a light pink top.
Out is getting quite hot so I didn't wear a jacket.
I was ready just a few minutes in advance of the time we decided.
After around five minutes my door bell rang.
I went to the door and opened it.
Mikey appeared.
I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me back.

Mikey:" hi."

He giggled a bit as he spoke.
I pulled apart and looked in his eyes.

Abbey:" hi."

I smiled.
Then he kissed my lips quickly.

Mikey:" so, shall we go?"

He asked smiling.
I nodded  and locked the flat before reaching the car and driving away.

Abbey:" please tell me."

I pleaded him as he drove through the streets.

Mikey:"no, it's surprise. You're really impatient, aren't you?"

He asked me as if I was a kid.

Abbey:" please..."

I said dragging the "e" for, maybe, too long.
I did my puppy face and looked at him.

Mikey:" ah, don't do that. I won't tell you."

He did not give in. Not even a bit.

Abbey:" fine."

I whined, crossing my arms to my chest and faking to pout.

Mikey :" be a good kid and be patient."

He said keeping in a laugh.
But as he finished the sentence we both burst out laughing.
Aftter a while he pulled upin front of a small wood.
Then we got out of the car and started walking through the trees.

Abbey:" you're not gonna murder me, right?"

Mikey:"no, don't worry."

His laugh echoed through the whole space and I couldn't hold in a smile.
He's laugh is so contagious and funny.
We walked for a bit more until we reached a small area with a small lake in the middle and all around it there was the wood.

Mikey:" welcome to my secret place."

He smiled down at me.

Abbey:" Thai is so cool. When did you find it?"

I asked, amazed by the breathtaking view.

Mikey:" a few months ago."

Then he let my hand fall to my side and started walking towards the water.
He took off his hoodie and his t-shirt.

Abbey:"what are you doing?"

I asked confused.

Mikey:" I'm getting in it. Do you wanna come too?"

I hesited a bit before answering but then just shrug it off and agreed.
So I took off my clothes.
We were both in our underwear.

Mikey:" at three we jump in."

I nodded at his statement.

Mikey:"one, two, three!"

Suddenly I felt his hands on my back and I was in the water.
I quickly swam up and took a deep breath as my head got out of the water.

Abbey:" are you crazy!?"

I said almost angrilybut his laughmademe laugh too.

Abbey:"come on now get in."

I said splashing him.
He moved his hands forward, trying to stop me from wetting him.

Mikey :" ok, ok. I'm getting in."

He laughed.
Then he jumped in splashing everywhere.
I got closer to him and rested my hands on his shoulders while he wrapped his around my waist.
I started leaning in to kiss him but just before my lips touched his I pushed him in the water.
Then he got back up and filled his lungs with air.
We both burst out laughing for the millionth time today.
I just love how he makes me laugh even when there's nothing to laugh about.

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @Aurora_Fowler04

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