Jack-imagine For Anna (smut)

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Anna's pov:
I just got back home after a long day. I'm so tired.
I unlocked the door and and got my room.
I was changing when I heard a knock on my bedroom door.
I looked at it and suddenly the door opened.
Jack, my flat mate, appeared.
I was shirtless and as he noticed it he blushed and closed the door, mumbling a "sorry."
I share this apartment because I'm studying at the university and I needed a place to live. This was the only option.
Though we have some rules:
. give each other privacy
. Don't bring anyone in your own room if the other is home
Andast but not least the rule I made for myself:
. Don't get any kind of feeling or attraction for him.

I can't afford to.
I quickly threw on a t-shirt and joined him in the livingroom.
As I sat next to him on the sofa he turned to look at me.
Jack:" I'm sorry about before, I thought you weren't in the room."
Anna:" it's fine, don't worry."
I said looking into his green eyes.
Then he looked back at the TV.
We sat in silence.
Although it's not the first time that it happens, he's always so embarrassed about it.
Our personalities are so different but in a way the kind of complete each other.
It's always been easy to live with him, he doesn't bother me, when we are both home he worries about dinner.
During the last year we got along so well.
As he focused on the screen I looked at his features carefully.

His jaw was a bit clenched, his eyes shone because if the light coming through the window, his nose was nearly perfect, his hair was up as always then my gaze fell on his lips. they were slightly parted, and looked dry.
I've always thought he is attractive but I've never looked at him from this prospective.
I suddenly felt the urge to trace his lips with my fingers.
Jack:" is everything OK?"
He said looking at me.
I gasped a bit when he turned.
He got me by surprise and I didn't know what to answer.
Jack:" hey Anna, are you OK?"
His voice woke me from the dumbfounded state I was in.
Anna:"yes, yes. I'm fine."
I said quickly.
Jack:"are you sure?"
He asked.

I love his accent and the way he talks.
Before I could think my mouth moved and the words left my lips.
Anna:" no, I.. Think.."
But I couldn't make my mind up and find words to speak.
He looked at me curiously.
Jack:" you think what?"
He smiled sweetly.
I slowly got closer to him and rested my hands on the soft material of the sofa at the sides of his legs.
I looked intensely in his eyes and he didn't take his gaze off mine.
Anna:" I think I wanna kiss you."
He looked surprised but he didn't move.
Jack:" I think I want you to kiss me."
What? At that sentence I comply lost my mind.
My heart skipped a beat and his breath on my skin sent shivers down my spine.
I shallower harsh and involuntarily my

eyes flicked to his lips.
Then I closed the space between us. Smashing my lips on his.
He immediately kissed back.
He wrapped his fi gers on my waist and pulled me closer.
I followed his gesture and sat on his lap, straddling him.

I swiped my tongue over his bottom lip and he let me take control of the kiss.
My hands traveled over his shoulders and one if my hands tangled in his hair.
I deepened the kiss and tasted his mouth fiercely.
His hands ran over my thighs.
Then he got in control of the situation and left my lips.
He started kissing my neck.
He nibbled on my skin gently and I tilted my head to the side exposing my neck.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me even closer.
My chest pressed on his.
He slowly slid a hand under my t-shirt and looked at me.
I nodded and he proceeded on removing my top.
His hands rested on my back and as he pulled me closer I lifted my hips from his lap and rested my hands on his shoulders.

He easily unclasped my bra and took it off.
He started nibbling on my breast, he took my nip in his teeth and teased it gently while his hands slid on my bum and squeezed it slightly.
Then I took control of the situation and took his sweater off.
I sat back down and tangled my hand in his hair.
We looked at each other, none of us moved, nor spoke.
We were both breathing heavily.
We needed to realize what just happened.
I looked carefully at his face.
A slight flush of pink colored his cheeks, his eyes were a darker shade of green and his lips were redder and a bit plumper from all the kisses.
Then he leaned on me again and laid his lips on mine.
We kissed again but this time he instantly took control.

He slipped his tongue through my parted lips and explored my mouth.
Then he tightened his grip on the ba k of my thighs and in a quick move he got up.
I wrapped my legs around his body as he walked.
Jack:" mine or yours?"
He asked taking off his lips from mine and just to reconnect them quickly.
Anna:" yours."
I said reattaching my lips to his.
He walked to his bedroom and got in.
He let me on the bed as he took a condom.
He looked in his drawers as I sat on the bed breathing heavily.
As hs found what he was looking for he got on the bed.
I was on my knees just as him.
He kissed my again and I ran my hands over his chest.
I looped a finger in one of the loops of his jeans.

then I unbuttoned his jeans and he helped me pull the off.
He slid his hands down my hips and into my yoga pants and slid them down my legs.
Then he made me lay on the bed and he got over me.
He positioned himself between my legs.
He started grinding his hips on mine, creating a sweet friction between us.
His hands cupped my breats and kneaked them carefully.
He started kissing my neck and as he found my sweet spot I left out a moan.
My hips writhed underneath him.
Anna:" jack, if you don't stop that now we'll get an end quickly."
I said referring to his hips rubbing on mine.
He pulled his underwear down and ripped the blue package.
He slid on the condom as I pulled my underwear off.
He quickly eased in me and pushed in and

out of me.
I stratched his back leaving sleed marks.
He groaned lowly burying his head in my neck.
He rocked back and forth as he kissed my neck.
Then I clenched around him and as I reached my climax his thrust got sloppuer and the feeling of him getting to his high in me spred pleasure all over my body.
He wore a pair of boxers and I quickly got up and threw on one of the shirts I found in his room.
I got back on the bed and sat on my knees.
I didn't know how to start the conversation that had to happen as I realized I broke the only rule I made for myself.
But breaking that rule was the best choice in my life.

Hope you enjoyed the read.
This was for annathebanana
Follow my Instagram account @ aurora_fowler04

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