andy-imagine for aurora

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Aurora's pov:

Today I'm going to Andy's. He just came back from tour and I want to surprise him.
I quickly threw on one of Andy's jumper and some leggings.
He always gives me some of his tops when he goes away.
I locked the door and hopped in the car. I drove to his place. As I was there I walked across the garden and knocked on the door.
Rye opened.

Rye:"hey aurora. How are you?"

He said smiling.

Aurora:" I'm fine thanks. Is Andy home?"

Rye let me in.

Rye:"he's in his room but-"

I didn't let him finish that I ran upstairs to his room.
I knocked on the door and I heard a weak "come in" from inside.
I slowly opened the door and got in.
Andy was on his bed under the sheets.
He looked pale.

Andy:"hi, I didn't expect you to come here"

Aurora:"I wanted to surprise you. How are you? you look awful"

I laughed quietly at the last part.

Andy:"I'm just a bit sick"

He said coughing.
His voice was low and rough.

Aurora:" you are more than just a bit sick"

I left my bag on the floor and sat on the bad next to him.
I rested my hand on his forehead. It was boiling.

Aurora:" you are boiling hot"
He nodded without answering. He slowly turned on his side to face me.
I rested my hand on his cheek.

Aurora:"I'm gonna get you a medicine and some tea. I'll be back soon"

Andy:" ok, I missed you"

He closed his eyes and I left a kiss on his forehead.
I got up and went downstairs.
There was only rye and Mikey in the living room.

Aurora:" hey guys"

Mikey:"hi, how is Andy?"

Aurora:" his forehead is really hot. I gonna make him a cup of tea, hoping he won't fall asleep while I'm here"

I laughed.
Then I made the tea, took the pills and went upstairs to his room.
I got in and saw him with his eyes closed.
I left the cup on the bedside table and sat on the bed. I started stroking his hair and he slowly opened his eyes.

Andy:" hi"

Aurora:" hi, I thought you fell asleep"

I smiled at him.

Andy:" no, I'm awake"

Aurora:"I see. Now take this"

I said handing him a tablet.
He took it and sipped his tea.

Aurora:" it's better if you get some sleep"

I was about to get up when Andy grabbed my wrist.

Andy:" stay with me"

I nodded and laid next to him.
I wrapped my arms around his body and stroked delicately his soft hair.
He slowly fell asleep listening to my heartbeat.
Helotes so calm and cute.
His eyes were closed, his lips slightly parted and his hair was messy though I didn't stop running my fingers trough it.
He started snoring softly.
He must be do tired.
I left a kiss on his head and although I wasn't tired I closed my eyes and listened to his breathing pace.
After a while I felt Andy's fingers tracing shapes on the back of my hand.

Aurora:"hey, how are you feeling?"

I asked kissing his cheek.

Andy:" a bit better, thank you"

He lifted our intertwined fingers to his lips and left a kiss there.

Aurora:" I love you so much"

Andy:" I love you too"

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