Brook-imagine for Amber (smut)

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Amber's pov:

We were sat on the carpet just below his bed.
His mum is at home and we are just doing our homework.

Brook:" amber can you help me with this?"

Amber:" yes, of course. What is it?"

A knock on the door interruped us.
His mum entered the room.

Mum:" hey, I'm going to work. Dad should be home in a couple of hours."

Brook:" Ok, see you later"

Amber:" bye Mrs. Wyatt"

Mum:" bye guys"

She left and we got back to the homework.
After a while we got tired so we decided to have a break.

Brook:" amber.."

Amber:" yes brook?"

Brook:" nothing"

I felt his gaze on me while I was putting my books back in my bag.
I turned around and saw him staring at me.

Anber:" Brook are you OK?"

Brook:" yes I'm fine it's just that, I can't resist anymore"

I looked at him confused.
He got up and quickly walked to me.
Without letting me talk he smashed his lips on mine.
I didn't expect it and I was enjoying it.
His soft lips were moving slowly but passionately on mine.
His hands were on my waist and I tangled my fingers in his hair.
Then he pulled away just to start kissing my neck.
He pushed me against the wall and his name left my mouth in a small whisper.
He started sucking on my sweet spot leaving a purple mark on it.
Then I pushed him on the bed and took off his shirt. I started kissing down his chest.
After a while all our clothes were on the floor and I was just in my underwear just as him.
I looked at him I noticed that he was staring shamelessly at my bare body.
I instantly felt self conscious and blushed. I looked down.
I felt his fingers lift my chin and make me look at his eyes.
He kissed me and as he pulled apart he drew my lower lips in between his teeth.

Brook:" you are so beautiful"

He whispered.
He looked straight into my eyes and then he kissed my earlobe and strted nibbling on it.
A moan left my mouth.
He slowly moved his hand to my pulsing core, moving slightly my panties he let a finger enter my wet center, pumping with his fingers. I was biting my lips trying to not let out any noise.
Then he added a second finger and i couldn't take it anymore. I moaned loudly my name.
He was on top of me, pleasuring my most sensitive spot.
After a bit his fingers left my center.
Immediately a feeling of emptiness filled me.
He looked at me for permission and involuntarily I writhed my hips underneath him.
He slipped my underwear off and his.
Then he wore a condom and quickly entered me.
His hands roamed around my body while mine were tight on the sheets.
His name fellloudly out of my mouth when I reached my climax.
After a bit he did the same.
He collapsedon me breathing heavily just as me.
I caressed his soft hair while catching my breath.
He left a kiss on my neck before getting off me.
He layed next to me on the bed and wrapped his arms around for my small frame.
He pulled me closer. I could feel his breath on my neck. It was sending shivers down my spine.
I could never be more relaxed.

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @ Aurora_Fowler04

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