Jack-imagine For Melle (smut)

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Melle's pov:

Jack kissed me passionately while his hands roamed around my body.
He slog kisses down my chest and reached my wet core.
Without hesitation g he flicked his tongue in me. He started working slowly making me feel very move he did.
I moaned his name repeatedly and my hands tangled in his hair.
He started going faster and I couldn't keep it in anymore.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my arm.
I shoot up. It was all a dream.
I hope Jack didn't hear me.
I looked up to see Jack sitting in front of me.
I blushed  bit and look down. Even though it didn't happen for real I felt a bit ashamed about it. I don't like talking about this kind of things.

Jack:" hey, are you OK?"

I nodded.

Jack:"what were you dreaming?"

Even though I didn't look at him I could imagine his smirk.
I did, sleep talk.
I blushed even moreand look at him.
He smiled at me and took my chin in his fingers.

Jack :" you know you can talk about it. Right?"

Melle:" yes I know, but I don't wanna talk about it."

Jack:"oh. come on I heard you. Now I wanna know."

He smirked.

Jack :" what did I do?"

Then he made me lie again.
His body was towering over mine.
His hands slid under my shirt to my beats and started kneading it.
Then his lips found my neck.
He kissed and nibbled my neck.
I tilted my head back immidiately.
Then he lifted the shirt I was wearing, so that he could see my stomach and my underwear.

Jack:"babe look at me."

He said between the kisses.
He looked up at me while kissing down my stomach.
I stared in his eyes while he slid my underwear down my legs.

Jack:" did I do this?"

He asked but before I could answer he flicked his tongue in me.
He started moving it slowly.
Just like in my dream.
He hands roamed on my body while I moaned his name shamelessly.
Then he strategies doing faster, but before I could reach my highest he left my core, leaving me with a feeling of emptiness and dissatisfaction.

Melle: "God, Jack"

He started nibbling in my chest leaving small marks on my body then he took my nip in his teeth.
My hands tangled in his hair.
His lips finally touched mine.
Then I palmed him through the fine fabric of his underwear.
I moved my hand slowly, I reading the speed at every move.

Jack:" babe, don't make me wait"

He whispered in my ear then he started nibbling on my earlobe.
He started breathing heavily.
He buried his head in my neck while I finished.
His warm breath hit my skin giving me goosebumps.

Jack:" I love you."

he whispered in my ear then I felt my hand wet.

Melle:" I love you too"

Then he entered me with his fingers and pumped in me.
After a while I came too and he laid next to me.
I turned on my left side to face him and he did the same.

Jack :" if you want to satisfy your fantasies you can tell me."

He smiled.

Melle:" I don't have fantasies."

Jack:" and what was that dream?"

Melle:"a dream"

I turned to face the wall.

Jack:" fine, I love you"

He wrapped his arms on my waist and kissed my cheek.

Melle:" I love you too, goodnight."

Jack:" this was definitely a good night."

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