Jack-imagine For Alex (smut)

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Alex's pov:

I was in the kitchen cooking dinner when suddenly I felt two arms around my waist.
Jack tested his chin on my shoulder and left a kiss on my neck.

Alex:" hey, when did you get home?"

I asked.

Jack:" literally a minute ago. What are you cooking? I'm so hungry."

He said kissing again my shoulder.

Alex:" pasta and by the way you're always hungry."

I giggled.

Jack:" most of the time I want to eat you, though. "

Even though I didn't look ta him I could imagine his smirk.
I immediately felt my cheeks burning in embarassment.

Alex:" jack!"

I said hitting playfully his shoulder.

Jack:" what? That's true!"

He said kissing my lips roughly.
I wrapped my arms around his neck
I pulled apart and looked at him.

Alex:" later. Now sit down that it's almost ready."

I ran my fingers through his soft hair.
He sat at the table and I put some pasta into two plated and brought them to the table.
I sat and we ate.
After a while we were both done and Jack the plates to the sink.

Alex:" did you like it? "

I asked walking into the kitchen.
He was looking into the fridge and as I spoke he gasped a bit and looked at me.

Alex:" sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

I laughed a bit.

Jack :" it's fine. By the way dinner was good."

He smiled.
Then he got closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

Jack:"now it's time for dessert."

He winked before smashing his lips on mine.
I rested my hands on his shoulders.
While his hands slid down to my bum and with a quick move he lifted me off the ground and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his torso.
He walked out of the kitchen and to our bedroom.
As soon as we were in he threw me on the bed.
He quickly took off his top and let it fall on the floor.
Then I stood up and he got closer to me.
He wrapped his fingers on my hips and pulled me closer, making me chest press on his.
Our eyes met, his were a deep shade of green.
Then he started kissing down my neck and I ran my fingers through his hair.
I tilted my head back leaving him more space to kiss.
He started sucking on my sweet spot and a moan left my lips.
He slid his hands under my goodie and I lifted my hands so that he could pull it over my head.
Then I kissed down his chest and  kneeled in front of him.
I looked up at him just to see him looking down at me with lustful eyes.
I pulled down the zip of his pants and slid them down his legs.
Then I pulled down also his underwear and let it fall to his ankles.
I took his length in my mouth and started bobbing my head back and forth slowly.
He grabbed my hair and began guiding my head.
I tightened my lips around his erection and went faster but before I could finish the job he pulled me up and kissed my lips.
He pushed me down on the bed.
As I sat down he slid his hands down
my hips and into my yoga pants, sliding them down.
He left a wet trial of kisses on my hip before taking off also my underwear.
He flicked his tongue in me and massaged my breats with a hand while with the other one he traced circles over my most sensitive spot making it faster for me to reach my highest.
My hands tangled in his hair and tugged slightly.
Then my back arched and he took that a as a sign that I was nearly done.
So he took his lips off my core, making me whine at the empty feeling that filled me.
Then he got on top of me and without any warning he eased his way into me.
He grabbed the back of my leg and wrapped it around his waist.
He increased the pace as the new angle pleasured both of us.
Suddenly a warm feeling filled me and desappered as his name left my lips loudly.

He reaoeted "I love you" in my hear as he rode out his orgasm.

Alex:" I love you too."

I kissed his neck and I rested my head on his chest.
He kissed my hair and wrapped his arms around my frame.

Jack:" that was a good dessert."

He smirked.

Alex:"I agree."

I listened carefully to his heart beat as he stroked my hair gently and I slowly fell asleep.

Hope you like the new imagine.
Go follow my Instagram account @aurora_fowler04.

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