Andy-imagine For Karma (smut)

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Karma's pov:

I just got home after along day at work.
Andy is filming with the boys so I have the whole house for myself.
I went up to my bedroom and changed.
I threw on one of Andy's hoodie with just my underwear underneath.
I took a book from the shelf and laid on the bed.
Well it wasn't just a book, it was "after".
I was half through a sex scene when I heard a voice behind me.
I jumped a bit.

Andy:" hey."

I looked at him.
He was at the door frame with a blue jacket on.

Andy:" sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

He said getting closer to the bed.
He took off his jacket.

Karma:"it's fine."

Then he sat on the bed next to me and quickly took the book in his hands.

Andy:" what are you reading?"

Then he read the title and looked at the pages I was reading.
A smirk plastered on his face and my cheeks turned a bit red.

Andy:" you're a naughty one."

He smirked playfully leaving the book on the bedside table.
Then he ran his fingers over my bare leg.
Then he leaned closer to me and kissed my lips while his hand reached my bum and squeezed it sliglty.
Then he moved on top of me as he deepened the kiss.
He slipped his tongue in my mouth and his tongue fought with mine for dominance. As always he won and tasted my mouth fiercely.
His hand ran up my leg kneading every inche of my skin while mine ran through his hair.
Then he left wet kisses over my neck going down.
He lifted my hoodie over my head leaving me in my underwear.
Then his kip moved down my body and kissed over my stomach.
I kissed his way up and leveled his lips with mine.
I kissed him roughly a and without any warning he entered my wet core with two fingers.
I gasped at the sudden feeling and slid my hand under his shirt, tanning my hand up his back.
He pushed his fingers in and out of me quickly.
I moaned his name loudly and he suffocated it kissing me.
He took his fingers out of me.
Then he took of his shirt and I started kissing his neck.
He groaned as I bit on his earlobe.
Then I unbuttoned his jeans and he took them off.
Then he took off my underwear.
Then he got off me to get a condom from the bedside table and he did I took the chance to get on top of him.

Andy:" getting brave, aren't we?"

He said smirking.

Karma:" I wanna try something new."

I said innocently.
He smirked and tested his hands on my hips.
I slid his underwear down his legs then I took the small package and tore it open with my teeth.
I rolled in on his length and looked down at Andy.
He straightened my legs and traced small shapes on thighs.
I lowered myself on him.
My head fell back as pleasure filled me.
He guided my hips on him.
I rested my hands on his chest to support our movement.
He closed his eyes shit as he groaned my name.
Before I could increase the pace he flipped us over.
He started pushing in and out of me increasing the pace at every thrust.
I gripped on his shoulders and dug my nails in his back, leaving red marks.
He interviewed his fingers with mine and I felt my climax building up in my stomach.
A warm feeling filled me and then released as I ride out my orgasm.
Then it was his turn. His thrusts bacame weaker, then he filled up the condom as my name left his lips.
He got off me and threw the condom in the bin and wore a pair of boxers.
I took his shirt and wore it.
I laid back on the bed and he got next to me.
He laid his head on my chest and wrapped his arms around my waist.
I stroked his hair gently while I ran the other hand on his arm.

Andy:" I'm so tired."

He said yawning.

Karma:" then sleep."

I said kissing his head.

Andy:" I will soon if you keep doing that."

He said referring to my hand running through his blonde hair.

Karma:"I love you."

Andy:"I love you too."

Aftr that he fell asleep in a few minutes.

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @Aurora_Fowler04

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