Brook-imagine For Keira (smut)

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Keira's pov:

I'm home alone, brook is at the studio with the boys.
He's coming back in a hour or so.
So I just waited on the sofa.
I turned on the tc and watched Netflix.
I kept on looking at the clock hanging on the wall.
I missed him so much today.
Lately it's always like this.
I get back from work and he's at the studio. Then when he gets back I'm already sleeping.
We don't see each other a lot.
But today I wanted to wait him awake.
After half a hour or so I laid on the sofa. A yawn left my lips.
My eyes got heavier and I slowly started falling asleep when I heard the front door opening.
I opened my eyes and see brook walking quietly towards me.

Brook:" hey, I thought you were asleep."

Keira:" no I wanted to wait you awake."

He at next to me on the sofa and rested his hand on my waist.

Keira:" did you have fun at the studio?"

Brook:" yes, you? How was your day?"

He asked stroking softly my hair.

Keira:" boring."

He laughed quietly.

Brook:" let's go I'll get you to bed."

He said getting up then he lifted me off the sofa bridal style.
I wrapped my arms around his neck as he walked to our bedroom.
I looked at his features carefully and he looked at me smiling.
Then I felt the plushness of the mattress underneath me.
He started walking away but I grabbed his wrist.

Brook:" I just need to change."

He said looking down at me.

Keira:" I'll help you."

I said pulling him down.
He smirked.
Then I smashed my lips on his.
The kiss was immediately heated.
He laid on top of me while kissing.
My hands tangled in his hair tugging slightly.
He left my lips just to start kissing my neck searching for my sweet spot.
As he found it I let out a moan.
He smirked on my skin sending shivers down my skin.
Then I flipped us over so that now I was on top.
I took his sweater off and started kissing down his chest.
I quickly took off my shirt and kissed him again.
I kissed his jaw, neck, chest and as I reached the waistband of his jeans I unzipped them and pulled them down his legs.
Without any warning he moved me on the side and he was on top of me again.
He kissed down my chest leaving small marks.
Then he slid my trousers down my legs and left a kiss right on my core.
His eyes met mine and all I could see was lust.
He moved my underwear and flicked his tongue in me.
My hands tugged sligkty at his hair and involuntarily I started writhing my hips.
His hands stopped on my hips and stopped me from moving.
I arched my back and electricity spred through my body.
He took my underwear off and did the same with his.
Then he quickly entered me.
He pushed in and out of me, increasing the pace at every push.
Our fingers intertwined as we reached our climax.
He laid on me resting his head on my chest.
We both breathed heavily.
I stroked gently his hair.

Brook:" love you babe"

Keira:" I love you too."

I left a kiss on his head and we sloley fell asleep.

Hope you like the new imagine.
Go follow my Instagram account @ aurora_fowler04

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