Rye-imagine For Britt (smut)

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Britt's pov:

We just got back from my office. He paid me a visit there.
And I might add that it was a really good one.
The whole drive home was quiet silent.
As I unlocked the door he pushed me against the wall.

Britt:" babe, what are you doing?"

I sked confused.

Rye:" I want a second round."

He winked at me clearly referring to back in my office when we had sex.

Britt:" you really can never get enough?"

Rye:" never."

And I before I could answer he smashed his lips on mine.
His hands roamed around my body shamelessly.
He caressed every curve, every inch of my skin.
His hands stopped on my butt and squeezed slightly,making me gasp.
He took the chance to slip his tongue in my mouth tasting every bit of it feverishly.
Then with a quick move he lifted me off the ground I wrapped my legs around his waist.
As I did so I felt his hardness between my legs.
He left my lips just to start kissing my neck.
He started on my clar bone and went up to my earlobe. He nibbled on it slowly, turning me on.
His hands were tight on the back of my thighs.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and my fungers tugged lightly at his hair.
I tilted my head back as he started leaving a mark on my neck.
Then he started walking towards our bedroom and as we got in he pushed me again against the wall.
He let me down and as I stood on my feet he started u buttoning my shirt.
I slid it down my arms and let it fall
on the floor
I tugged at the edge of his hoodie and slid a hand under it.
He shivered as my clod hand got in contact with his hot skin.
I helped him getting rid of his hoodie and  threw it somewhere in the room.
Then I pushed him back until he was on the bed.
I kneeled down in front of him as he sat up.
I pulled down the zip of his pants and pulled the down his legs with his underwear.
Then I took his length in my mouth and started bobbing my head.
His hands tangled in my hair and guided me as he liked.
He rested a hand on the mattress and tilted his head back in pleasure as I started going faster.
He groaned lowly.
Before he could cum he stopped me.
I stood up in front of him and he unzipped my skit pulling it down my legs.
He made me stand between his legs. I could feel his breath right on my center.
He tooke off my underwear and  cupped the back of my legs.
Then he flicked his tongue in me.
As he did so my breath hitched and I rested my hands on his shoulder to help me stay up.
He started going faster and I let a moan slip out of my lips.
My knees weakened as I felt a warm feeling spreading through my body.
With a quick move I straddled his lap and lowered myself on him.
His hands were tight on my hips as I moved back and forth on him.
He buried his head on my chest and left soft kisses on my skin.
I rested my hands on his broad shoulders.
We were both breathing heavily and I tilted my head back as we kept on going.
As we came to an end I laid on the bed.
And he laid next to me.

Rye:" you're definitely staying on top more often."

He said trying t catch his breath.
I giggled at his statement.

Britt:" ok. Love you babe."

I said as I rested my head on his chest.

Rye:" love you too."

He started stroking my hair gently and I slowly fell asleep listening to his heart beat.

Hope you like the new imagine.
Follow my Instagram account @aurora_fowler04

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