Rye-imagine For Maddie (smut)

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Maddie's pov:

I'm getting ready to go to a party, it's for my job.
We have to celebrate the promotion  of on of my coworkers.
It will be like an elegant cocktail thing.
I don't want to go but I have to.
I wore a silver satin dress, that my back fully exposed and a pair of matching heels.
Then rye came out of the bathroom.
He was wearing a black suit with a tie, the same color as my dress.
He looked stunning.

Maddie:" how do i look?"

He looked up at me wide-eyed.

Rye:" you look amazing."

Maddie:" thank you"

Then he got closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
I rested my hands on his chest.
Then he kissed my lips.

Rye:" I can't wait to take that dress off."

He smirked before leaving a kiss on my cheek.

Rye:" now let's go."

He said before smacking my bum.
Then we went downstairs and got in the car.
He drove to the party and we got in.
I said hi to everyone I knew and congratulated to the guy who got the promotion.
Then we got a drink and started talking.
It's already boring and I've been here just for an hour.
Luckily rye is here to keep me company.

Rye:" this is so boring."

Maddie:" I know."

Rye:" let's go home."

He said taking me hand but I stopped him.

Maddie:  what? No, we can't just go. "

Rye:" no one will notice it."

Then he pulled me closer by my waist.
Rye:" we are here wasting time. We could be home, alone, doing what we want. you know what I want..."

He whispered the lats part in my ear making me shiver. Immidiately a warm feeling spread through my body.

Maddie:" fine, it better be good."

Rye:" it will. Like always."

He winked at me.
Then we sneaked out and drove back home.
He literally gave me just the time to open the door and he was kissing me.
I deepened the kiss, transforming the kiss in a make out session.
He pushed me against the wall pinning my hands on it.
Then he lifted me off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his body.
Then he walked to our bedroom.
He sat on the mattress and made me straddle his waist. He hands were everywhere on my body. He made me lay on him and traced his fingers from my leg to my bare back. His touch made me shiver. Our bodies were
pressed against each other's.
Then he flipped us over.
I started kissing his neck. I started leaving a mark and he groaned sexily.
One his hands move from my butt to my breast, palming it. He kissed me. Then he started going down kissing my cheek, jaw, neck. His colds hands moved under the dress I was wearing taking it off.
He started leaving a wet trial of kisses down my neck.
As he found my sweet spot I let a moan leave my mouth. He smiled on my neck and sucked harder on my collar bone he left a hickey.
I bit my lip trying to not let out any noise.

Rye:" let it out."

He whispered on my skin.
I did as he told me and a moan left my mouth.
Then he took off his clothes before getting back on the bed.
He kissed down my chest to my center. Removed my underwear and started pleasuring my most sensitive spot while kneading my breasts.
I was a moaning mess.
He moved quickly in me but before I could cum he left my core and kissed my lips.
He took off his underwear and without any warning he entered me.
He went to a slow pace and at every push he increased it.
After a bit we reached our climax and he laid next to me.

Maddie:" well that was good."

Rye:" I agree"

He turned on his side and wrapped his arms around my waist.

Rye:"later we'll have round two."

He said before kissing my neck.
God! This boy is always horny.
But I love it.

Maddie:" looking forward to it."

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