Andy, Rye - Imagine For Jorja (smut Bxb)

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Jorja's pov:

Andy's next me in bed.
I have my arms wrapped around his body and his head is on my chest.
Small, regular breaths come out of his lips.
It's a couple minutes that I'm awake.
It's quite late but last night him and the boys got home quite late and I waited them awake.
Andy and I have been together for two years and when he moved in this house, he asked me to live with him.
I accepted immediately and now it's a few month that we live together with all the boys.
As I was lost on my thoughts I noticed Andy's eyes looking at me.

Jorja:" good morning, baby."

I kissed his head pulling him closer.
He smiled and closed his eyes.

Andy:" good morning."

A small smile appeared on his face.

Jorja:" did you sleep well?"

Andy:"better than ever."

I couldn't hold back a smile ashe spoke.
Then I got closer to him and laid my lips on his.
My eyes closed and I got lost in the feeling.
Our lips moved in sync.
At first delicately and then hungrily.
He wrapped his around my neck and tugged at my hair.
I moved on top of him and our legs tangles together.
He swiped hid tongue over my bottom lip and slipped it through my parted lips.
He tasted my mouth fiercely as my hands roamed on his skin.
When my hands squeezed his bum slightly he gasped and accidentally bit my lip.
I pulled apart and started kissing down his neck.
He groaned lowly and ran his fingers through my hair.
My lips met his again in a rough kiss.
He pushed his hips towards mine, creating a sweet friction.
We both moaned at the feeling.

Jorja:"I'm do hard for you."

I whispered on his lips before kissing him again.
I could feel his hardesness pressing on my leg.
He was trying to release sons pressure but it didn't work.
I took off his t-shirt and pinned his arms up after throwing the top on the floor.
I kissed his jaw first, then I kissed down his neck and followed an imaginary line down his chest.
Through the move I let go of his arms that immediatly went to my hair.
I slipped my fingers under the waist and of his underwear but suddenly the door opened and I sat up.
I looked at the door and saw rye standing there smirking.
He closed the door behind himself and walked towards the bed.

Rye:"I hope you don't mind if I join."

Both Andy and I think rye is attractive and he's also gay so we actually don't mind.
He got on the bed and I kissed him.
I rested my hands on his broad shoulders and pulled him closer.
Andy got on his knees and moved closer to us.
I pulled apart and kissed Andy while rye took off his top and his shorts.
Then we all laid on the bed.
Rye and Andy kissed and I watched them.
The scene turned me on so much.
Then it was my turn.
I kissed down Andy's chest and reached the waistband of his boxers.
Then I pulled them down, freeing his erection.
I looked up at Andy and rye before taking him in my mouth.
Andy met his head fall back as I started bobbing my head back and forth.
Rye moved closer to me and left a trial of kisses down my back while I pleasure Andy.
He started nibbling on my skin.
Then he ipped a hand in my boxers and squeezed my bum.
Then he teased my hike with a finger and without any warning he entered me.
I moaned out as he fingered me.
I tried my best to finish Andy off and in a minute he came in my mouth.
I licker my lips as I lifted my head from Andy.
Another moan left my lips.
Rye then pulled his finger out of me just after I came in my underwear.
Andy kissed me againand I saw rye staring at us while slipping a hand in his boxers.
I ran my fingers over Andy's pale skin while his tangled his hand in my hair.
Rye let his head fall back as he pleasured himself.
Andy pulled away from me and kissed rye.
He then stopped his hand and slipped his left hand in rye's boxers nx started pumping him slowly.
I watched them moving and immediately turned on.
I left a wet trail of kisses on Andy's shoulder and did the same with rye.
After a bit rye was done too and we laid on the bed together.
We all breathed heavily.
I can't believe it just happened.
It was one of my dirtiest fantasies.

Andy:" we defiantly have to do this again."

Andy smiled looking uo t the ceiling.
I love seeing him so happy.

Rye:" I'm in."

I turned on my side and wrapped my arm around Andy, who was between me and rye.

Jorja :" I like it too."

Andy's smile grew bigger and I couldn't hold back a wide grin.
I kissed his lips.

Jorja:" I love you"

I whispered in his ear while rye got up and started dressing up.

Andy:" I love you too."

He whispered back before kissing my head.
As rye finished getting dressed he spoke.

Rye:" see you later, babies."

He winked and left the room with a smirk.

Andy:" it was freaking exciting. I love you so much."

I nodded at his statement.
And he grabbed my chin in his fingers and kissed me.

This is the request for @jochristelow
I'm sorry for taking so much time.
This one is a very different request. It was an actual challenge.
I really hope you like it and think it came out well.
Thanks for being patiant.
Enjoy and let me know what you think.

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