Rye-imagine for amber (smut)

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Amber's pov:

It's been a few hours since I came here at Andy's house.
He gave a party for his birthday, so he invited all of his friends included Ryan beaumont.
I don't like him. At all.
He's so annoying. But he's so hot.
He's always flirting with every girl.
The same with me but I'm the only one that still hasn't slept with him.
I don't like him and I'm never gonna surround.
Suddenly a voice interruped my thoughts.

"Hey amber. What's up?"

I turned around to see Andy smiling at me. He didn't even let me answer that he started talking again.

Andy:"come and play with us"

He grabbed my arms and pulled me on the couches where people were playing truth or dare.
And of course Ryan was there.

Rye:" hey baby"

He said as he noticed me.

Amber:" hey idiot"

He answered annoyed.

Andy:" amber don't be rude."

He whispered.
We sat down and started playing.
Everyone was slowly getting drunk  but not me or either Rye.
Suddenly I heard my name.
I looked at Andy.

Andy:" amber truth or dare?"

Amber:" dare"

Andy:" so.. 10 minutes in heaven with Rye. Up in my room."

He said, Rye immediately smirked looking at me. I have Andy a death glare. I already regret choosing dare.
I don't think I can stand him for ten minutes.
He got up and took my hand and we went to Andy's room.
He closed the door and I sat on the armchair with my arms crossed. while he was on the edge of the bed.

Rye:" baby, what do you want to do?"

Amber:" don't call me baby"

Rye:" why are you always so rude with me, baby"

He smirked.

Anber:" i told you to don't call me baby and because you're annoying"

He got up before getting closer to me.
As he was right in front of me he grabbed my arm and pulled me up.
He pulled me closer. My chest was pressing on his when my hands involuntarily laid on his chest.
I don't know why but this situation was making me nervous.

Rye:" I'm annoying, then?"

He whispered in my ear. I ft his cool breath on my neck sending shiver down my spine.

Amber:" yes, you are"

I said stubbornly. Although we were really close I still managed to keep my priorities first.
I won't let him get me.

Rye:" and why do you think that?"

His brown deep eyes were looking directly into my hazel ones.
Our noses were inches away and I could feel his breath on my face giving me goose bumps.

Amber:" because you flirt with everyone and you're an idiot"

I answered fighting the feeling he gave me.

Rye:" is someone jealous"

He smirked.

Amber:"I'm not jealous!"

Rye:" are you sure? Because I can make you feel good"

He said before stating leaving kisses on my neck. I tried my best to avoid the pleasure he was giving me but it was hard.

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