Rye-imagine For Mariana (smut)

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Mariana's pov:

I just finished my shift at the store and I can't wait to go home.
Rye is there waiting for me. He just texted me.
I took my stuff and walked to the car as I got in a got a phone call from Rye.
I put the speaker on and left my phone on the passenger sit.

Rye:" hey baby. I mosse you today."

He said sweetly.

Mariana:"I missed you too."

I answered as I started the car.

Rye:" I've been thinking about you all day. I want right here next to me."

Mariana:" baby, I'll be there In thirty minutes just be patient."

Rye:" please hurry up."

Mariana :" why are you in such a rush? What do you wanna do with me?"

I asked curiously.

Rye:" it's better saying what I want to do to you...."

Mariana:" what do you mean? "

Rye:" aww, baby you're so innocent. I mean that I wanna throw you on the bed and rip your clothes off just to fuck you hard all day. "

Even though he couldn't see me I blushed, but a warm feeling raised in my stomach.
I'll never admit it but I love when he talks dirty to me.

Mariana:" God, Ryan! I'm driving! "

Rye:" come on don't complain, I know you love it when I talk dirty. "

Mariana:" no, I don't!"

I said quickly.

Rye:" so you wouldn't like it if I said that I'm gonna kiss every inch of your skin and leave marks on it so that everyone know that you're only mine."

Mariana:" exactly. "

I lied trying to be as believable as possible.

Rye:" neither if I said that the only thing you're gonna see is my head between your legs. I want you to scream my name everytime my mouth pleasures you. I want you to taste every bit of you."

I whispered a swear before speeding.

Mariana:"I'll be there soon."

Rye:"be quick, I want your dreams to come true."

Then he hung up.
Gosh the state I was while I was driving should be illigal.
I sped through the streets and got home as quick as possible.
As soon as I got in I saw rye sitting on the sofa.
I walked towards him and without letting him say a word I straddled his lap a d wrapped my arms on his neck.

Rye:" hi to you too"

He laughed quietly.

Mariana:" hi"

Then I smashed my lips on his.
My hands tangled in his hair tugging slightly.
His hands went down to my bum squeezing it.
I gasped and he got the chance to slip his tongue in my mouth.
He broke the kiss, drawing my lips between his teeth, and started kissing down my neck, searching for my sweet spot.
As he found it he started nibbling, leaving a mark on my skin, and it was stronger than me. I let a moan fall out my lips making him smirking on my skin.
I lowered my lips on his skin leaving a wet trial of kisses down his body, nibbling on his skin, leaving marks, making him moan shamelessly.
He slid his hands under my top and took it off, tossing it somewhere on the floor.
I did the same with his jumper.
We quickly got rid of our clothes and he moved me over without any warning, so now he was on top of me kissing down my chest leaving marks.
He kissed down my chest and reached my waist and kneeled down in front of me, looking at my naked body.
My breath hitched as he left a kiss right on my core.
My hand tangled in his hair as he slid my panties down my legs.
Then he flicked his tongue in me and moved it slowly.
While his hands traced up and down the back of my legs.
Then he left my most sensitive point and kissed my lips.
He slowly entered me and a moan left my mouth.
He pushed in and out of me, going faster at every push.
I dig my nails in his back leaving marks.
After a while we reached our climax.
He collapsed on me.
We both were breathing heavily.
He collapsed on me and buried hus head in my neck.
Then I moved next to me and wrapped his arms around my small figure, pulling me closer.
He traced small hearts on my hip making me shiver.

Rye:" I knew you liked it. I love you baby."

I blushed and looked straight ahead of me.
I'll never admit it.
He left a kiss on my shoulder and closed his eyes.

Mariana:" I love you too."

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