Rye-imagine for Alisha (smut)

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Alisha's pov:

We just arrived at cuba. It's our first holiday together.
It's more than a year that we are together and yet wanted to celebrate in the best way.
Although I think it's a bit exaggerated.
We booked a suite in an amazing hotel.
Still too exaggerated but yes didn't want to listen to me.

Rye:" do you like the room?"

He asked as soon as we entered the room.

Alisha:" a room?! It's a house."

He laughed at my statement.

Rye:" well, I guess that's a yes"

I looked at him he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.
Suddenly he smashed his lips in mine.
As we pulled apart he looked at me.
His eyes were a darker color.

Rye:" there's even a Jacuzzi. Do you want to try it?"

He looked at me maliciously.
Without hesitating he lifted me off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his torso.

Alisha:" rye, what are you doing?"

Rye:" I'm having fun"

Then he kissed me passionately.
He walked to the bathroom where the Jacuzzi was.
He left me sitting on the counter while he turned on the bathtube.
Then he got closer.
He tested his hands in the counter both sides of my body, trapping me in between him and the counter.
He smirked.

Rye:" so, you didn't answer yet."

Alish:" you dind't give me time to answer. But my answer is"

I didn't finish speaking that I kissed him.
The kiss was immediately rough and hungry.
One of his hands slid under my top and took it off.
Soon on of his hands were squeezing my butt.
I intertwined my fingers in his hair tugging slightly.
A quite moan left his mouth.
I helped him taking off his shirt and his trousers.
Then he took off my shorts.
Then his hands went to the waistband of my panties, playing with it and slowly sliding them down my legs.
I did the same with his boxers.
Then rye lifted me off the counter and I instantly wrapped my legs around his body.
We got into the jacuzzi, almost full.
I laid on my back while rye was over me.
He started missing down my chest, leaving small marks.
Our got skin was cooled by the fresh water.
A body was pressed in mine and our hips were creating a sweet friction that turned us both on.
I felt his hardness against my lower belly.
His hands roamed in my body.
Suddenly he entered me with two fingers and my breath hitched.
He started pumping inside of me, making me moan his name shamelessly.
After a bit he left me with a feeling of emptyness just to be replaced with his shaft.
I titled my head back in pleasure.
I dug my nails in his back leaving red marks on it.
He groaned in a low voice.
As we reached out climax we whispered "I love you" to each other.
Even though we were in a bathtube we were sweaty and panting.
He got off me and laid next to me.

Rye:" it was..."

Alisha:" amazing. We should do it again"

I giggled.

Rye:" we have a whole week."

He kissed my cheek.

Alisha:" better waste no time"

I smirked.
He smiledcat me before laying back on me.

Rye:" My naughty babygirl. "

He smiled before smashing his lips on mine.

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my instagram account @ aurora_fowler04

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