andy-imagine for Tash (Smut)

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Tash's pov:

Andy:" stop shouting"

He said letting out a long sigh.

Tash:" stop being an asshole"

I shouted again

Andy:" I'm not being an asshole. You're being a bitch."

He got closer to me.
I could feel his breath on my face.

Tash:" I'm not being a bitch"

This time my voice came out more like a whisper.
He pulled me closer. My chest was pressing on his when my hands involuntarily laid on his chest.
His hands were tight on my waist and I couldn't I help it but get lost in his eyes.
He leaned on me unsure, until our noses were touching.
He tension was dealt high.
We hair argued and now...look at us.

Andy:" I'm not being an asshole"

He whispered and whitout any warning he kissed me passionately.
Our lips were moving in sync. My hands tangled in his hair and his queezed my bum, making me gasp.
He slipped easily his toungue in my mouth tasting every inche of it fiercely.
He broke the kiss drawing my lower lip in his teeth, leaving me confused.
Not even the time to open my eyes that his lips were on my neck kissing and nibbling on my hot skin.
I tilted my head back, leaving him more space to kiss.
I tugged involuntarily at his t-shirt.
I took his shirt off and he helped me getting rid of the sweater I was wearing.
He started walking, without breaking the kiss, and I did the same suddenly we were on the bed.
His body on top of mine.
His hands rubbing up and down my leg finding their way underneath my skirt. He quickly took it off throwing it somewhere in the room.
Then He left my lips just to kiss down my chest right to my center.
He left a kiss there before flipping is over so that now I was on top.
My legs were on both sides of his torso.
I kissed him tasting every inche of his mouth.
instinctively I rolled my hips on his feeling his hardness, making me even wetter.
I removed his pants and I'm a quick move I was again underneath him.
He started kissing down my body finding his way to my core he removed my underwear and started pleasuring my most sensitive spot while kneading my breasts.
I was a moaning mess. A warm feeling raised quickly into me and in a few minutes I arched my back and his name fell loudly out of my lips.
Without giving me time to catch my breath he moved me on top of him.
I quickly removed his underwear and lowered myself on him.
As i did so we both moaned in pleasure.
I rested my hands in his chest, to support our movements.
After a while we reached our highest and I collapsed on his sweaty body.
Our breaths were heavy.
I moved next to him.
He turned on his side to face me.

Andy:" I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said"

He said looking into my searching for forgiveness.

Tash:" I'm sorry too. You're not an asshole "

I giggled a bit.
He smiled.

Andy:" I like this way of making up"

He smirked.

Tash:" I do too, we should do it more often but without the arguing part"

I smirked too.
Then he opened his arms for me to dive in them.
I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat while he wrapped his arms around my a figure pulling me closer.

hope hou enjoyed.
Follow my instagram account @ Aurora_fowler04

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