rye-imagine for mikayla (smut)

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Mikayla's pov:

I'm waiting for rye to come here. He said that he's going to help me with my homework.
I study literature here in london.
I heard the door bell, i opened the door and a smiling rye appeared. As he saw me he scanned my body from haed to toe.
Suddenly i felt like the shorts and the white t-shirt i was wearing didn't cover enough of my skin.
I looked down blushing.
He bit his lip and i blushed even more.
He lifted my chin with his fingers and made me look in his eyes. He rested his hands on my waist and pulled me closer.
He kissed me.
Then we sat on the sofa.

Mikayla:" let's start."

Rye nodded and i took out my books.
The homework is to take some quotes from different books and explain why i chose them.
We took a book each and started looking for quotes.
While reading i could feel his burning gaze on my skin.
I looked at him and he quickly looked at the pages.
Then he looked at me.

Rye:" is something wrong?"

I didn't answer i looked back at the book but his gaze stayed on me.

Mikayla:" is something wrong?"

I said imitating him.

Rye:" no."

I got up and walked to the kitchen to get some water.
Suddenly i felt two strong arms around my waist.
Rye's chest was pressed on my back.
I rested my hands on his.

Mikayla:" hi"

I said looking at him.

Rye:" hi"

He laughed quietly.
Then his hands slowly slid down my stomach and one of them was into my shorts.

Mikayla:" rye! what are you doing?"

Rye:" shhh. "

He started kissing my neck.

Mikayla:" rye i need to finish my homework"

It came out as a whisper.

Rye:" it can wait"

Then he moved my underwear and slowly entered me with one finger.
My breath hitched and his name left my mouth.
I tilted my head to met him more space to kiss.
I involuntarily arched my back. he slowly pumped in me, then he added another finger.
Shivers were going down my spine and a suddenly I felt really hot.
A warm feeling raised into my lower belly.

Rye:" cum for me, baby girl."

He whispered in my ear.
He started playing with my clit and I felt my knees weaken under my weight, i rested my hands on the counter to support me.
I tightened around his fingers and screamed his name.
He left kiss on my shoulder and i tried to catch my breath.
As i did he quickly lifted me off the ground and instinctively I wrapped my legs around his body.

Rye:" i love that you're always ready for me"

He smirked and without letting me answer he smashed his lips on mine.
He then started walking towards my bedroom.
His hands were tight on my bum.
Soon after I felt the soft plushness of the mattress underneath my body.
He took off my shirt and i did the same with his.
I sat up and he was stood in front of me. I unzipped his jeans and took them off.
I made his sit and i kneeled down in front of him.
I slid his underwear down his legs and took his length in my mouth.
I started pumping slowly.
He groaned.

Rye:" baby you're torturing me."

I started going faster. He didnt met me finish that he made me
Stand up he took off my shorts amd my underwear then i straddled his waist. I lowered myself on him.
He missed me passionately.
Then he pulled apart drawing my lips between his teeth, and started kissing down my neck, searching for my sweet spot.
As he found it he started nibbling, leaving a mark on my skin.
I was a moaning mess.
We started slowly and went faster until we reached our climax.
I collapsed on him, breathing heavily.

Rye:" i love you, baby"

Mikayla:" i love you too"

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