Rye-imagine for sasha (smut)

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Sasha's pov:

Today I'm visiting my brother, jack. He lives in london with his band mates.
They're all so sweet to me.
Specially rye. He's always so lovely and he's also my crush. Since i met him i caught some feeling for him.
He's always gentle and nice to me and he's also hot. Really hot.
Every time i visit my brother, rye's there and between us there's this weird tension.
As i got to Jack's house jack ran towards me and wrapped his arms around me.

Jack:" Sasha, i missed you"

Sasha:" i missed you too"

We got in and just rye and Alex were there.

Sasha:"hi guys"

Rye looked at me. He's so handsome. He smiled and said a simple "hi" but my heart started racing so fast that i think it might burst at any minute.
I sat on the couch next to rye when brook came out the door in a rush.

Jack:" brook what happened?"

Brook:" i forgot to buy the food for my lizard. I'm going to the store.  Who wants to come"

Alex went with him.

Jack:" I'm coming too sasha, do you wanna come?"

I shook my head.

Jack:" can i leave you guys alone?"

Rye:" don't worry i will look after her"

He said confidently.
They left and i immediately looked at rye.

Sasha:" i don't need anyone to look after me"

I said pretending yo be mad.

Rye:" you sure? because i could look after you in the best way."

He smirked and i don't know why but again this tension created between us.
I walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
I opened the cupboard and tried to get a glass but of course, me being short i didn't reach it.
Suddenly I felt a hand on my waist.
Rye got the glass for me.
He put it one the counter.
He was behind me. Honestly i was scared of turning around but my impulsive part won and i turned  around to face him.
Our chests were pressed against each other.
I looked into his deep brown eyes.

Sasha:" thank you"

He didn't answer he just leaned down and in a quick movement our lips were attached to each other. I kissed him back.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and all of a sudden i was sitting on the counter.
He was in between my legs.
We pulled apart breathless.
We looked at each other abd without saying a word we kissed again.
Then jack came to my mind.
I pulled apart resting my hands on his hard chest.

Sasha:" what if jack walks in?"

Before he could answer mt phone beeped i quickly pulled it out of my pocket.
"Bro: we are stuck in the traffic it will tame long."

Rye:" there's nothing to worry about"

Then he started kissing my neck.

Sasha:" wait i have to respond to him"

I giggled a bit while i tried to answer to Jack's text.
Eventually i texted him a simple "ok"
Rye kept on kissing my neck and a moan left my mouth.
Then he lifted me off the counter and i wrapped my legs around his torso.
I started kissing his neck while he walked upstairs to his room.
As soon as we were in he sat on tbe couch with me straddling his waist.
One of his hands moved from my butt to my breast, palming it. Then he started going down kissing my cheek, jaw, neck. His colds hands moved under the t-shirt I was wearing lifting it over my head.
Then he made me lay on the couch and he was in between my legs on his knees. Be took off his shirt showing his abs.
Then he hovered over me and our hips rolled against each other turning us both on.
In a few minutes our clothes were on the floor and he entered me.
He groaned quietly and o bit hard my lip trying to not let out any noise.
He moved in me faster and faster until we reached our climax.
He laid next to me wrapping his arms around my waist.
Rye:" i like you a lot sasha.Will you be my girlfriend?"

I looked at him and smiled.

Sasha:" yes, I'd love to "

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my instagram account @ Aurora_fowler04

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