rye-imagine for danielle

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Danielle's pov:

I just woke up, rye was next to me.
I turned on one side to look at him.

Rye:"good morning"

Danielle:" good morning"

I left a kiss on his lips.
Then I got up a day I felt a sudden twist in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom.
I just threw up. Rye was next to me. He held my hair back.
I was sat on the floor.

Rye:"hey are you OK?"

He stretched his hand out for me to take. I took it and he helped me getting up.


I quickly brushed my teeth while he went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
It's really weird that I throw up like this in the morning.
I didn't even eat anything.
Unless I'm pregnant.
I might be pregnant. I might be pregnant.
It kept on repeting in my head.
A sudden wave of of frightens got in me.
Should I be happy about it?
I have definitely have to talk to rye.
I walked to the kitchen and sat at the table.
Before I could speak rye talked.

Rye:"Danielle, I thought that maybe you might be pregnant"

He said causciosly.

Danielle:"I thought the exact same thing"

Rye:"so what are we going to do?"

He asked with a confused expression.

Danielle:"we are quite young but we both always said that we want kids"

Rye:" I know but maybe it's too early for kids. I don't know. I'm so confused"

Danielle:" I'm confused too. For now we should just make sure that I'm pregnant."

I could e pregnant and I don't know if I should've happy or not.
I mean I've always wanted kids,but I never thought it was going to happen this fast.

Rye:"after breakfast I'm going to the shop"

I nodded and got back to thinking.
He cooked some French toast but we both barely touched our food.

Rye:"Babe I'm going"

Danielle:" ok. see you later"

He got out the house and through the window I looked at his car going away.
after about thirty minutes he came back.
He handed me the bag.
I went to the bathroom and followed the instructions.
As I finished I let rye in.

Rye:" what do you think it's going to happen?"

Again a feeling of frightens got over me.

Danielle:"I don't know."

Then we waited silently.
As it was time to look ididnt have the courage to do it.

Danielle:"rye please can you look?"

Without  answering he just took the stick in his hands.

Danielle:"what does it say?"

Rye :"I'm going to be father."

His expression was blank.

Rye:" I'm going to be father"

He repeated again.
This time his tone was a bit higher and a smile grew on his face.
Suddenly I felt a weight being taken off my shoulders and realized that I'm happy about this pregnancy.
He hugged and lifted me off off the ground spinning me around.
He let me down and he looked at me with a wide smile.

Rye:"I love you so much."

Then his lips crashed on mine.
It was a kiss full of joy and love.

Danielle:" I love you too"

I said and hugged him again.

Rye:"I can't believe we are going to be parents"

I can't believe it too but I'm happy about it.

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