jack-imagine for ella (smut)

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Ella's pov:

Jack:" so, what shall we do?"

Ella:"I don't know. How does it work?"

We are laid on my bed. We decided to have our first time together so we planned the right moment to do it.
My parents are away for the weekend and I am home alone.
He turned on one side and looked at me and I did the same.

Jack:" shall I start? "

We've been best friends since we were three.
This situation is so awkward but I don't want to have my first time with anyone else. I'm quite shy, just like him.

Ella:" shall we kiss or.."

I didn't finish the sentence and he started leaning closer to me.
Our eyes met before I closed it.
His lips met mine.
We kissed for a minute or so and then he was on top of me.
I have to admit that I always had a small crush on him but I never told him.
Then he pulled apart and started kissing down my neck.
I tilted my head back to leave him more space to kiss.
My hands tangled in his hair and slowly the awkward tension that was in the room desappeared.
He slid his hands underneath my shirt and looked at me for permission before pulling it off.
My chest was  left bare and couldn't help it but feel self conscious.
I covered my chest with my arms while he took off his top.
He smiled and removed my arms from my chest and pinned them above my head before kissing my chest.
He rested his hands on my waist and I couldn't help it but laugh.
He looked at me confused.

Ella:" I'm sorry you know I'm ticklish"

He smiled before kissing me again.
Again he started kissing down my chest and again his fingers brushed on my hip and a laugh escaped my lips.

Ella:" I'm sorry"

He smiled on my skin and continued his way to the waistband of my shorts.
He slid them down my legs.
Then I flipped us over so that I was on top. I started kissing his chest leaving small red marks.
As i reached his waist I unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them off.
I reached his lips again and kissed him passionately.
We pulled apart breathless and in a quick move I was again underneath him.
He pulled off my arms the straps of my bra but when it came to unclasping it he struggled a bit.
So I help him and took it off.
He blushed a bit and looked away.
Then he took his underwear while I took off mine.

Jack:" are you ready?"

I nodded silently and he entered me carefully.
I felt a burning feeling that as we moved desappeared to leave space to the pleasure he gave me.
He buried his head on my shoulder and breathed heavily.
His breath cooled down my hot skin.
He rested his arms on the mattress both sides of my body to support his weight.
He pushed in each time more carefully though the pace was each time faster.
After a bit we were done and a new feeling invaded my whole body.
He laid again next to me.
We pulled the sheets over us and covered our bodies
I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.
He wrapped his arms around my small frame and left a kiss on my head.
It didn't last a lot but we both knew it was perfect.

Hope you enjoyed the read.
Follow my instagram account @ Aurora_fowler04

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