Rye-imagine for bailey (smut)

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Bailey's pov:

Today the boys invited me to their house and I agreed.
It's been so long since we hung out together.
They've been on tour and I didn't have the chance to see them when the got back.
I wanted to dress comfy so I wore a jumper and a pair of leggins.
I took my backpack and got in the car.
After around twenty minutes I was at the boys' house.
It's massive and I love their cinema room.
As soon as I rang the bell Rye came downstairs.
His tanned skin reflected the sun light. He's so hot.
We've been friends for so long and I gave always thought he's attractive but two months ago a realised I like him.
Every time he speaks I focus on his lips and try to avoid the urge of kissing him.
Without even realising it he was in front of me

Rye:" hey. What are you doing here?"

Bailey:" Andy invited me"

He looked confused at me.

Rye:" I thought he said tomorrow..did he?"

I checked my phone and it said 'today'

Bailey:" nope. He wrote today. Maybe he just messed up. I think I may go "

Rye:" no! I mean, if you want you can stay"

I was trying to focus and his words and not on his abs.
It was hard.
Them I thought at his question.

Bailey:" yes why not"

Rye:" by the way I'm the only one in here"

Baily:"Ok, what were you doing before I interrupted you?"

Rye:" I was reading a book, up in my room"

We went back to his room.

Bailey:" this is so cool I would never be able to build something like this? "

I said looking at his bed.

Rye:" do you wanna go up?"

I looked at him. Up. on his bed.
My mouth moved before I could think.

Bailey:" yes. it must be cool"

Then he let climb up the ladder.
He followed closely behind me.
I sat on the mattress and he sat opposite of me.
He looked straight into my eyes.
He brown ones were a deeper color than usual.
We were both sat crossed legs.

Rye:" so do you like the view?"

He said laughing a bit.

Bailey:" yes, it's so cool. You?"

He didn't stop looking at me.

Rye:" yes. It's really beautiful"

We stared into each others eyes.
Then he started leaning on me slowly.
We were a few inches away.
I felt his breath on me.
He rested his hands on the mattress.
He closed the space between us.
We shared a kiss. That I can't describe.
it was perfect.
He pulled apart and looked at me.
Without thinking I smashed my lips on his.
This time the kiss was more passionately and rough.
Wile kissing he made me lie down on the bed.
His body towering over mine.
Without breakingthe kiss my hands tangled in his hair and his wrapped on my waist.
Then he started kissing down my neck and in a few seconds my jumper was on the floor.
He sat on his knees in between my legs staring shamelessly at my bare chest.
I couldn't help it but feel self conscious and cover my chest with my arms.
He lowered his mouth on mine.
He removed my arms from my chest and started kissing down my chest.
He slid off my pants. Now also those were on the floor.
I flipped us over.
So now I was straddling him.
I lowered my lips on his neck and started kissing it.
He let out a groan.
His hands roamed around my body, ending up on my bum. He squeezed it slightly.
I removed his trousers.
We kissed again.
After a bit he entered me.
As we reached our climax he collapsed on me breathing heavily.
He left a kiss on my neck before laying next to me on his side.
I laid on my back and he we speed his arms around me.
He rested his head on my chest and caressed his hair gently.
He left another kiss on my chest before looking into my eyes.
He kissed me.

Rye:" that was..."

Bailey:" it was perfect"

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @ Aurora_Fowler04

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