Jack-imagine For Phoebe

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Phoebe's pov:

School just started and I'm already nervous.
I'm new in the school and I don't know anything.
I have to go to the office to get schedule and my locker key.
I was walking down the school hall when someone bumped into me.
I looked up and a cute brown-haired boy was looking down at me.
The first thing I looked at were his green, blueish eyes.
He stared in my eyes.
Then I realized what happened and reacted.

Phoebe:" I'm.. I'm sorry."

I said stuttering a bit.
He took his gaze off me eyes for a quick second but looked back at them immediately.

" no, I'm sorry I should have looked where I was going."

He said smiling.
As he spoke I heard a vague Irish accent.
I did a small smile and spoke.

Phoebe:" no it's fine. "

" are you new? I've never seen you."

Phoebe:" yes, and actually I'm a bit lost. I'm looking for the main office."

"nice to meet you then. I'm jack."

He said handing out his hand for me to shake it.
I held his hand weakly.

Phoebe:" I'm phoebe."

Then I let my hand fall back to the side of my body.
I looked again in his magnetic eyes and got lost in them.

Jack:" you said you have to go to main office, right?"

I quickly got back to reality and nodded.

Jack:" I'll show you the way there. "

He smiled shyly.

Phoebe:" yes, thank you."

Then we started walking down the hall talking.
I found out that he's Irish and that he likes singing.
As we wee at the main office he got in with me.

Phoebe:"good morning. I'm new. I was wondering if I could have my timetable. Please."

The lady behind the desk looked at me with a wide smile.
She had short straight blonde dyed hair.

"phoebe, right? Here is your schedule and the locker key."

I nodded at her words.

Phoebe:" thank you."

I smiled at her.

" oh., hi jack."

Jack:" hi Cheryl."

He smiled back at her.
Then I started walking to my locker. Number two hundred and thirty-three.
Jack followed behind me.

Jack:" phoebe wait. "

I looked at my side.

Jack:" what's your first class?"

I looked at the paper in my hands.

Phoebe:" history."

Jack:" mine is maths. See you during the lunch break?"

Phoebe:" yes, see you later."

Then I went to my locker and he walked away.
As I got there I opened it and put my stuff in it.
Then a guy stopped next to me and he opened his locker.
I really don't know where the history classroom is so I decided to ask him.

Phoebe:" emm... Hey, can I ask you something?"

As I spoke he closed his locker and looked at me.
He was taller than me and he was quiet muscular. He had brown curls and brown deep eyes.

" you can ask me whatever you want, baby."

Baby? I juts dropped it.

Phoebe:" could you tell me where the history classroom is?"

"that's also my next class. We'll go together."

He said.

Phoebe :" ok"

I said not knowing what to say.
Then we started walking towards the class.

"your new, right?"

I nodded.

" by the way I'm rye."

Phiebe:" I'm phoebe."

As we got in the room he sat at the back.
I sat in the centre.
Finally it's lunch time. I went to the canteen and just before I could get in I heard a voice behind me.

"hey, phoebe."

I looked behind me and Jack was there with two blonde boys.

Phoebe:" hey Jack."

I smiled at him.

Jack:" these are my friends Andy and Brooklyn."

Phiebe:" nice to meet you."

I waved at them.
Then we got in the canteen and got our lunch.
We sat at a table and we started talking.
Jack's friends were really funny.
After a while rye joined us with another boy.

Rye:" hey phoebe, babe what are you doing here? "

Phoebe:" having lunch."

Jack:" wait, you know each other."

He looked confused.

Phoebe:" my locker is next to his."

He nodded at my statement and rye sat next to me.
Then the guy with black curls and blue eyes who was with rye spoke.

" hi, I'm Mikey. "

He smiled kindly.

Phoebe:" I'm phoebe. "

I introduced myself.
We started talking, again and after a while the break was over.
The boys went to their classes but Jack and I had the same subject so we walked together to the class.

Jack:" after school do you wanna come at mine's to study?"

Phoebe:" yes."

We got in the room and after an exhausting hour it was over.
Than as we finished school we got in Jack's car and he drove to his house.
As we got there we started studying.

Jack:" so how was your first day? "

Phoebe:" it was quiet goodbut rye is annoying."

I laughed a bit.

Jack:"I know he's always like that."

He laughed along.
Then we got back to studying.

Phoebe:"jack did you understand this?"

He got closer to me and looked at the page.
As he didn't speak I looked at him and my heart skipped a beat.
Our noses were nearly touching.
I looked straight into his eyes.
Then he slowly leaned closer to me.
Suddenly his lips were on mine.
We shared a sweet delicate kiss.
This first day of school couldn't have gone any better.

This one is a bit longer, I hope you enjoyed the read.
Follow my Instagram account @ aurora_fowler04

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