Jack-imagine For Rachel (smut)

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Rachel's pov:

We just came back home from our date. Jack took me out to a nice restaurant in the middle of London we had a really nice time together.
As I was unlocking the door of our house as he started kissing my neck. His arms wrapped around my waist and I tried my best to open the door.

Rachel:" babe, babe let me open the door than we can do whatever you want."

I laughed quietly.

Jack:" fine but be quick."

Even if I didn't look at him I knew he was smiling widely. He left a kiss on my neck and stopped.
His hands stayed on my hips.
I unlocked the door and we finally got in.
He didn't even let me the time to take off my shoes that he pushed my against the wall.
He started kissing down my neck leaving small marks.
I tangled my hands in his Hair while his wandered around my body.
Every touch he left on my skin sent electricity through my body.
He cupped the back of my legs and lifted me odd the ground.
I wrapped my legs around his torso.
Then he started walking towards our  bedroom.
As we were in he let me on the bed and the soft mattress deepened under our weights.
He kissed my lips and pulled apart drawing my lip in his teeth.
A moan left my mouth.
He slowly moved his hand up my thighs and lifted slightly my dress.
His cold hands ran up my leg to my pulsing core, moving slightly my panties he let a finger enter my wet center, pumping with his fingers. I was biting my lips trying to not let out any noise.
Then he added a second finger and i couldn't take it anymore. I moaned loudly his name.
He was on top of me, pleasuring my most sensitive spot.
After a bit his fingers left my center.
I immediately felt empty.
His body was towering over mine.
He kissed me and without breaking the kiss my hands tangled in his hair and his wrapped on my waist.
In a few seconds my dress was on the floor with his clothes.
As we were ready he slowly entered me.
He pushed in and out of me.
We started slowly and went faster and faster until a warm feeling raised into my lower belly.
I bit my lip hard and went even faster till I couldn't take it anymore.
His name left my lips loudly.
He collapsed on the bed next to me.
He wrapped an arm around my waist and rested his head on my chest.
We were both breathing heavily.

Jack:" I love you so much baby"

He kissed my shoulder.
His fingers traced imaginary lines up and down my hip.

Rachel:" I love you too."

I ran a hand through his hair and traced a line on his shoulders.

Jack:" babe..?"

Rachel:" mmh?"

Jack:" I like this. I mean, resting my head on your chest. You're so soft."

And i giggled at his statement.
I slowly ran my hand through his hair.

Rachel:" what do you mean I'm soft?"

Jack:" I don't know. You're just.... Soft."

I couldn't held back a smile.

Rachel:" fine. Goodnight. "

I kissed his head and closed my eyes letting my body relax.
His warm breath hit my hot skin relaxing me even more.

Jack:" goodnight"

He closed his eyes a day slowly fell. Asleep listening to my heart beat .

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