Jack-imagine For Kacey

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Kacey's pov:

As everyday Jack and I walked to school everyday.
He lives literally next to my me, so we meet and then we go.
We were walking down the street talking.

Jack:" do have plans for this afternoon?"

Kacey:" not really. Why?"

Jack:" the boys told me to aks you if you want to come to the bowling with us?"

He's my best friend and of course all of his friends are also my friends and the same all the way around.
I don't believe in the cliche of best friends falling in love, we are good like this. He's always there when I need him and I do the same for him or at least I try.

Kacey:" yes, why not."

I smiled at him.

Jack:" we are going after school."

Kacey:" ah, I have PE as last class. I'll be all swety. I'll look a mess."

I complained.

Jack:  don't be stupid it's just us, it's fine. "

Kacey:" rye will be there. "

Jack:" ahh! Right, your crush. "

I blushed slightly.

Kacey:" he's not my crush."

Jack:" awww, is kk embarrassed."

Kacey:"I'm not."

Without realizing it we arrived at school and we were walking to my locker.

Jack:" yes he is. Everytime you see him you blush and you suddenly turn dumb."

He said laughing quietly.

Kacey:" what?! I don't turn dumb."

Exactly in that moment rye walked by.

Rye:" hey Kacey. Jack."

He smiled and I immediately felt my cheeks heating up.

Kacey:" hi."

Rye:" see you at the bowling."

I followed his he walked down the corridor.
He's so handsome.

Jack:" hi. "

He said trying to imitate my tone.

Kacey:" I wasn't speaking like that. "

I hit playfully his shoulder.

Jack:" whatever you say."

Then we headed to our classes. Unfortunately we have different subjects.
School was nearly over, I still had my last class: PE.
I hate it the teacher is such a douchebag.
He's all about football, he always speaks about when he was young and he was a football star.
He's so annoying.
I was walking down the corridor when I heard Jack's voice calling me.

Jack:" Kacey!"

I turned around and looked at him.

Jack:" come with me."

Kacey:" what? Why?"

I asked with a confused expression.

Jack:" I'll explain now just come with me."

He took my hand and dragged me into a small room.
It looked like a janitor's closet.

Kacey:" what happening?"

Jack:" we are staying here so you don't have to go to PE. "

He smiled.

Kacey:" and what if he asks me why I wasn't in class? "

Jack:" I don't know we'll come up with something."

Kacey:" you're lucky I hate the teacher."

I laughed and sat down on the floor.
He sat next to me.

Kacey:" so let's start thinking about an excuse."

I said looking at him.

Jack:" what about you being stuck in the bathroom? "

It's the hundredth excuse he sais and we still haven't find one.

Kacey:"nah, he would aks to many questions."

Jack:"you.... I don't know."

He laughed and turned his head to look at me.
Our eyes met and I couldn't help getting lost in his.
He slowly got closer to me.
Our noses were nearly touching.
My eyes flicked to his lips.
Then I closed my eyes and suddenly I felt his soft lips on mine.
He kissed me gently.
It felt right and comfortable.
I think I just fell for my best friend.
So cliche.

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @Aurora_Fowler04

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