Brook-imagine for maddie

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Maddie's pov:

Today Brook and I decided to go for a walk.
We were walking down the streetwhen the cold air started blowing.
I was nearly shaking.
Brook's hand left mine.
I looked at him and he was taking his jumper off.

Maddie:" Brook, you'll be cold keep it on"

Brook:" no take it. I'm fine"

Maddie:" are you sure,"

Brook:"yes. Babe I don't want you to be cold"

He handed me his sweater and this time I took it.

Maddie:" thank you"

As I slipped on his jumper I kissed his cheek.

Brook:" shall we head back?"

Maddie:" yes the weather is turning bad"

He took my hand again and we started heading back to my flat.
Half way there it started raining so we started running to my house.
We arrived there soaking wet.
As we got in we both burst out laughing.

Maddie:" let's get changed."

We went to my room and got changed.
He always leaves some clothes here in case he sleeps here or something.
I changed in a pair of joggers and on edge his shirts.
Then I put all the wet clothes in the washing machine.
I turned to go to the living room but he was already on the kitchen  door frame.
He was looking at me smiling.

Maddie:" what?"

Brook:" nothing. You are just beautiful"

I smiled at his words.

Maddie:"do you want some hot chocolate?"

Brook:" of course. You make the best one"

He laughed slightly.
I started making the chocolate when suddenly I felt Brook's cold hand on my hips.
He was behind me.
He rested his chin on my shoulder and do left a kiss on it.

Brook:" hi"

He laughed.
I giggled and answered.

Maddie:" hi"

Brook:" will it take long?"

Maddie:" no, it's ready"

As I turned off the stove he suddenly lifted me off the ground and made me sit on the counter.

Maddie:" Brook what are you doing?"

He was in between my legs.

Brook:" nothing. I just wanted a kiss."

Maddie:" and why did you have to make me sit on the counter?"

Brook:" it makes everything cuter"

He smiled innocently.

Maddie:" if you say so..."

Brook:" now can I have a kiss?"

He made his puppy eyes.

Maddie:" you now I can't say no to your puppy eyes"

Then he leaned on me and kissed me.

Maddie:" now let's go, or the chocolate will get cold."

He let me hope down the counter and then we took out chocolates and sat on the sofa.
We put on a film and cuddled up.
I rested my head on his lap while he played with my hair.

Maddie:" I'm tired, do you wanna go to bed?"

Brook:" no, I'm not tired. Go I'll come later."

Maddie:" Ok"

I got up and went to my bedroom.
I lay in bed but I couldn't sleep.
I kept on turning around.
I looked at the time and it was already an hour that I was in bed.
After another half a hour Brook came in the room.
He slowly lay next to me.

Maddie:" Brook"

Brook:" hey why aren't you sleeping?"

Maddie:" i couldn't sleep without you"

Brook:" come here"

He opened his arms for me.
I got closer to him and laid my head on his chest.
A finally I could fall asleep.

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