Mikey-imagine For Lucy (smut)

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Lucy's pov:

Mikey just got home from  Brighton.
He was there with the band to record the Bruno Mars cover.
They've been out really long.
He went straight to the shower while I got ready to go to bed.
I was on the mattress when he came out of the bathroom shirtless.
He fell flat on the bed next to me.
He wrapped and arm around my waist and got closer to me.

Mikey:" how was your day?"

He asked looking at me tiredly.

Lucy:" I did the same things that I do any other day. You?"

Mikey:" I had a lot of fun but I'm tired."

He said yawning.

Lucy:" I've seen."

I giggled a bit.
He caressed my cheek.

Mikey:" you're beautiful. "

I smiled at him.

Lucy:" thanks you're handsome too. "

Then he kissed my lips.
We pulled apart for a quick second but immidiatly reconnected them.
The kiss was immediately heated and I moved on to of him while kissing.
He rested his hands on my waist as I grinded on him.

Lucy:" aren't you tired? "

I asked pulling apart.

Mikey:" not enough to miss this."

As he said that I smiled and smashed my lips on his again.
His hands roamed around my body, touching every inche of my body.
My fingers ran through his black curls.
I quickly took off my t-shirt before getting back to kiss down his chest.
In a quick move he flipped us over and I was underneath him.
He kissed down my chest leaving small marks.
Then he slid a hand in my shorts and underwear and without any warning he entered my wet core with a finger.
My breath hitched and he kissed my neck.
I rested my hands on his shoulder and slowly tugged at his hair.
My head fell back and my lips parted as a moan left my mouth.
Then he added a second finger, pumping in me faster.
After a bit his fingers left my centre
Immediately a empty feeling filled me.
A small whine escapes my lips as I involuntarilh writhed my hips underneath him.
Then he took off my shorts and kissed down my leg and up the other one.
I undid the stri f of his sweatpants and he pulled them down.
Ourlips met again in a passionate, tough kiss.
I swiped my tongue over his bottom lip and he bit slightly on mine.


I said as he started nibbling on my neck.

Lucy:"the condom, Mikey."

As I said that his lips left my skin and he looked at me.
Then he got off me and took a condom from the bedside table, while I took off my underwear.
He took the wrinckly package and got on the bed again.
He took of his underwear and held it in front of my mouth.
I bit on the blue plastic and tore it open.
He rolled it on and laid over me.
Then he eased in me with a forceful thrust.
I dug my nails on his back as he pushed in and out me.
I ran my fingers through his hair and he buried his hand in my neck.
His warm breath ran down my skin making shivers going down my spine.
He increased the pace.
His hands were one by my shoulder and the other one grabbed my knee and pulled it up.
Then in a quick move I moved on tol of him.
He straightened my knees at both sides of his waist and I lowered my self on him.
His gripped my hips and moved me on him as he wanted.
I rested my hands on his chest and moved back and forth.
Once again my head fell back as my back arched.
He groaned and gripped tighter on my thigh.
He shut close his eyes as he filled the condom.
My name left his lips loudly.
I continued moving on him until all my tension realesed and I screamed his name.
I laid next to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

Lucy:" I love you."

I kissed his shoulder and stroked hi hair gently.

Mikey:" I love you too baby."

He said before kissing my head.
Then he tuned on his side facing the wall.
I hugged his waist and pulled him closer.
I like being the big spoon.
I rested my head on the pillow and my nose touched barely his neck.
He rested his hands over mine.
He fell asleep immediately and I closed my eyes and listened to his breathing, slowly falling asleep.

Hope you enjoyed the new imagine for Lucysmithxx
Follow my Instagram account @aurora_fowler04.

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