rye-imagine for sam

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Sam's pov:

I just got back home from the dinner with rye.
He couldn't come back with because he has a studio session tomorrow.
ASI got in i took off my heels and changed into some more comfortable clothes.
As I sat on the sofa my phone started ringing.
It was Andy.
It was quite weird that he called me at that time, though I answered.

Andy:" hi, Sam. Mmh..... Rye just had a car crush. An ambulance took him to the hospital."

Sam:" what? How?"

Andy:"I don't know the hospital called me. We are already here. He's asking of you"

Sam:" I'm coming"

I immidiately threw on a sweater and a pair of leggings and drove to the hospital.
How did it happen half a hour before we were laughing and now he's in hospital.
As soon as I was there I rushed in and asked at the reception.

Sam:" hi, I'm here for Ryan Beaumont"

I said to a woman. She looked at me with a bored expression.

" are you a relative"

She said looking into her computer.

Sam:"I'm his girlfriend"

I said impatiently.

" room 237, second floor"

I didn't even say " thank you" I just rushed to the elevator.
I pushed the button with a two on it and waited.
Then I walked to the room. Brook and Jack were out.

Sam:" hi guys."

Brook:" hi. Go in rye won't stop asking for you"

I nodded and slowly opened the door.
As I got in all the eyes were on me.
I saw rye and I felt bad for him. He was pale and had some cuts on his face and arms, for what I could see.
He also had a cast on his leg.
Seeing him like this was painful.
Then there were Andy and Mikey.

Sam:" hey, how are you feeling?"

I asked getting closer to the bed.

Rye:" hi, I'm fine"

Andy:" we'll leave you alone"

I looked at them getting out of the room.

Sam:" you don't look fine"

Rye:" I know. Come here"

He said patting the space next to him.
I sat next to him.
He wrapped his arm around my waist and I left a kiss on his forehead.

Sam:"how did it happen?"

I said resting my head on his shoulder.
He groaned and I immediately lifted my head.

Sam:" I'm sorry"

Rye:"it's fine."

Then he moved his arm so that I could rest my head on the pillow.
He looked blankly at the wall behind me.

Sam:" rye, are you OK?"

I asked worried.
He didn't look at me.

Rye:" for a moment I thought I would have never been able to see you again. "

A tear stained his cheek. I cleaned it with my thumb and cupped his cheek.

Sam:" I'm here"

He rested his hand over mine.

Rye:" thank you, for being here"

Finally his eyes met mine. They weren't the same brown as usual they were clearer and full of frighten and pain.

Sam:" rye, What happened?"

Rye:"I don't know it all happened so quickly. The car appeared in front of me and...."

He let out a deep breath and ran a hand through is hair.

Sam:"it's OK. I'm so glad you're fine. I love you"

I said caressing his cheek.

Rye:" I love you too"

We slowly closed the gap between us and our lips met in a sweet, delicate kiss.
As we pulled apart I involuntarily touched his shoulder and he groaned again.

Sam:" I'm sorry, I'm so clumsy"

Rye:" I know and that's why I love you."

We both laughed quietly.

Hope you enjoyed the read.
Follow my instagram account @ Aurora_fowler04

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