Rye-imagine For Maddie (smut)

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Maddie's pov:

Today I'm going to surprise rye. Hes touring Europe and its been a month since is aw him in person.
We do call and text but it's never the same as seeing each other.
So I decided to talk to one of the boys and they helped me.
I just got the the Manchester venue.
I quickly texted Andy saying that I was ta the back door and he came in a few minutes.
We walked to the green room and as soon as I was in a saw rye.
Our eyes met and I ran towards him.
As I reached him I hugged him and he lifted me off the ground.
I instinctively wrapped my legs around his body and pulled him closer. If it was even possible.

Rye:" what are you doing here?"

Maddie:" surprise."

I didn't elt go of him and neither did he.
We stayed like that for a minute and them he let me stand on my own feet.
After a while the boys had to go on stage and i watched the show from backstage.
They were amazing.
After the show the boys packed their things and we headed back to the van.
As we walked rye wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer.
Everyone was ahead of us and rye took the chance to slid his hand on my bum.

Maddie:" wait 'till we are at the hotel."

I said giggling.

Rye:" it's hard."

He winked at me.
I rolled my eyes at him.
We all piled in the van and after about twenty minutes we were at the hotel.
Everyone was shattered so everyone went to their own room and so rye and I.
As soon as we got in the room he kissed me.

Rye:" I missed you so much."

He hugged me tightly.

Maddie:" I missed you too."

Then without any warning he quickly lifted me off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his torso.

Maddie:" what are you doing?"

Rye:" we both know what happens after the show. "

He winked at me.
Soon after I was on the bed and his body was towering over mine.
He kissed down my neck while his hands roamed all over my body.
One of his hands slid under my top and cupped my breast.
He lifted over my head the top and kissed down my chest.
My hands tangled in his hair.
He unzipped my jeans and pulled them down.
He kissed my hip and then kissed down my leg then up the other one.
Our lips met again and I quickly took off his hoodie.
All of a sudden he entered my core with a finger.
My breath hitched and my back arched.
He started slowly and went faster and faster.
His name left my lips and he suffucated my moan by kissing me.
Then he took off his jeans and his underwear.
He did the same with mine and positioned himself between my legs.
He quickly entered me.
Our fingers intertwined as he started going faster.
He pushed in and out of me quickly making me moan as he went deeper in me.
When we reached our climax he rested his head on my chest and I slowly stroked his hair.
We both were breathing heavily and his cheeks were red from the effort.

Rye:" for how long are you staying with me?"

He asked sweetly looking at me.

Maddie :" tomorrow night I'm going back home. I can't miss at work."

I said feeling disappointed.

Rye:" that's not much time."

He said with disappointment in his eyes.

Maddie:"I know. But that's what we have."

Rye:"I love you."

Maddie:" I love you too."

Hope you like the new story.
Follow my Instagram account@ aurora_fowler04

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