Rye-imagine For Jess

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Jess' pov:

I just woke up  at my alarm going off.
I have to get up.
I tried to move but two strong arms were wrapped around my waist.
I looked behind me. Rye was there with his eyes closed.
He btmreathed calmly.
His hair fell softly over his forehead and his lips were a bit plumper than normal.

Rye:" babe, stay here."

He said with his morning, husky voice.

Jess:" fine, but just ten minutes."

In an hour I have to go to work. I can't waste time.
He pulled me even closer I cuddled up to his chest.
His scent was like a stain on his skin and I loved it.
I wrapped my arms around his torso and tangled one hand in his hair.
After ten mi utes I tried to get up but once again rye held me back.

Rye:" babe, do you really have to go?"

He slowly opened his eyes getting used to the bright light.

Jess:" yes, I do."

Rye:" can't you call in sick?"

Jess:" no. But I promise that when I get back we are going to cuddle."

He let out a deep sigh and let me go.

Rye:" promised? "

Jess:" promised."

I smiled at him.
I got up and had a quick shower.
Then I got back in the bedroom and started getting dressed.
Rye was still lying in bed looking at me.
I felt his gaze follow every move I did.

Jess:" like what you see? "

I said smirking. I looked at him through the mirror.
He smirked and rested his hands on the back of his head.

Rye:" a lot."

I pulled up the zip of my jeans and threw on my shirt.
I looked at the clock and I noticed that it was late.
I quickly took my purse and put on my shoes.
Then I kissed rye.

Jess:" see you later."

I walked out of the room and head him yell.

Rye:" did you have breakfast?"

He's so caring.

Jess:" I'll grab a coffee on the way. Bye."

I didn't let him the time to answer that I was out the door.
I got in my car and drove to work.
After three long hours I was done.
Luckly, I can organize my job however I want as long as at the end of the week I've done everything I have to do.
So I got back home.
As I got in I smelled a nice scent of pancakes and bacon.
I walked to the kitchen and saw rye cooking.
I got closer to him and strapped my arms around his waist.
He was shirtless.

Rye:" hey babe."

I left a kiss on his bare back.

Jess:" hi. What are you cooking?"

Rye:" pancakes and bacon. Your favourite."

Then he plated everything and put it on the table.
we sat at the table and ate breakfast.

Jess:" it was really good."

Rye:" I know."

He laughed.

Jess:" you're so modest."

I joked.

Rye:" you promised me we would cuddle. "

I nodded and we headed to our bedroom I changed and we got in bed.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer while I tested my head on his chest.
He stroked my hair gently.
I listened to his heart beat.

Rye:" I love you. "

Jess:" I love you too, baby."

Hope you enjoyed this new chapter.
Follow my instagram @ aurora_fowler04

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