Brook-imagine For Milly

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Milly's pov:

Brook:" hey are you ready?"

Brook said on the phone.

Milly:" yes I just have to wear my shoes."

I said sitting on the bed while keeping my phone between my ear and my shoulder.

Brook:" hurry up. Well be there in five."

Milly:" yes."

I quickly wore my shoes and got up.
I got my purse and we left the house.
Today I'm meeting up with the boys which, of course includes brook my best friend and non other than my crush.
I know it's so cliche but I can't helt it.
He's always been by my side when I needed I'm and I caught feelings, though I don't wanna tell him. I'm scared he doesn't like me.
I was waiting patiently at the front door of the building when a car pulled up.
The small window moved down and book's face appeared.

Brook:" hey, get in."

I giggled and got in the car.

Milly:" hi everyone."

Everyone answered with a "hi".
Rye was driving, brook was in the passenger seat and I was in the back.

Rye:" so how's life?"

Rye asked while focusing on the road.

Milly:"nothing special has happened. You all?"

I asked resting my elbows on both the front seats and positioning my head in between them.

Rye:" in a couple of days tour starts. I'm so excited."

He smiled.
Then I felt a soft kiss on my cheek.
I turned to look at brook and smiled at him.

Milly:" are you excited?"

I asked looking deeply into his green eyes.

Brook:" yes, I can't wait."

Rye:" alright, you love birds. Milly seat back and fasten your belt please."

Milly:" ok dad."

I said joking.
Then I sat back in my seat and fastened my belt.
Then in fifteen minutes we were at Westfield.
As we got in we met up with the others.
I greeted everyone then we headed to the cinema.
While walking brook wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I instintctly intertwined my fingers with his.
We were further back than the boys so they got tickets first. Then as we were getting  the tickets a middle-aged lady stopped.

"you guys are a cute couple."

She smiled.
I immediately blushed and pulled my hand away from his.

Brook:" we are not together."

He said stracthing the back of his neck.
Next to us I could hear the boys laughing while both, me and brook were embarrassed.
The woman apologised and went away.

Andy:" well that was embarrassing."

Andy giggled.

Jack :" yes it was because brook is mine. "

He said wrapping an arm around brook and pulling him closer.
We all burst out laughing.
Then we got in the screen room.
I sat between brook and Jack.
Half way through the film brook wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I rested my head on his shoulder.
Then I looked up at him.
Suddenly his lisp were on mine.
It was a small kiss but, still, full of love.
Luckly the room wasn't too crowded and luckily no one saw us.
I smiled at him, blushing a little.
Then ubrsted my head back on his shoulder and he kissed my head.

Brook:" I love you"

I looked straight at the screen and answered.

Milly:" I love you too."

Nomore words were needed.
I love him and he loves me.
We are happy like this.
It doesn't matter if we don't have a "label". If  he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend.
I think that being his best friend is pretty much the same thing. The only difference is that we didn't kiss.
But now..... Everything felt in place.

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @Aurora_Fowler04

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