harvey-imagine for nyah

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Nyah's pov:

I'm so excited for taday. I'm finally meeting Harvey.
I don't know how but he noticed me on Instagram and since then we text every day.
I got vip tickets for the concert, so that we can have a bit more time together.
I checked that I had everything I needed before starting my journey to the venue. It's about two hours away from my house but I decided to stay in a hotel for the night.
As I got there I checked in at the hotel and changed clothes.
I wore a simple jeans skirt and a white jumper over it.
I wore, also, a bit of make-up.
I got in the elevator and suddenly my phone beeped.

"Harvey: hey nyah, when are coming? I can't wait to meet you."

It was Harvey. I opened the text and a smile grew on my face.

"Nyah: hey, I'll be there in 15 minutes. Can't wait to meet you too"

I answered quickly.
I got in the car and another text came.

"harvey: ok, see you there"

"nyah: see you"

I started driving to the venue.
As I was there I parked the car and walked towards the entrance.
As the guy outside let me in I saw Harvey on stage.
As soon as he saw me he waved at me.
He was singing. He voice was wonderful.
As he finished he got off stage and walked towards me.

Harvey:" hi, nyah. It's so nice to finally meet you"

He said smiling widely.

Nyah:" hi. We are finally meeting"

I said smiling, I was a bit embarrassed though.
He hugged me for a bit too long, but i didn't mind it.
Weirdly I was the only one with a vip ticket.
We went backstage so that the other fans could get in the venue.
As we sat on a the couch in the green room we started chatting.
We were quite close to each other and suddenly I got really nervous, my heart was racing but talking I slowly calmed down.

Harvey:" caniconfess you something?"

He's aid scratching the back of his neck.

Nyah:" yes."

Harvey:"well, I think you noticed that you're the only one with a vip ticket."

I nodded at his statement and let him continue.

Harvey:" that's because i invited you and the vip tickets are not available for this concert."

I was confused and quite surprised about what he just told me.
Everything makes sense though, because he gave me the ticket and no one else is here.

Nyah:" mmh, why did you invite just me? "

I was a bit confused at that moment.

Harvey:" because I think I am in love with you."

I looked at him quite shocked.
I've never thought about this.

Harvey:"you don't have to say it back. I know it's really early to say that, but when I saw you today... I just fell hard"

He blushed and looked down.

Nyah:"I don't know what to say..... I.. I like you too Harvey"

He looked up at me with hope in his eyes.

Harvey:"can I kiss you?"

I looked at him in shock but quickly answered.

Nyah: mmh... Yes, I mean if you want to.. "

It came out more like a question.
He smiled and slowly started getting closer. He cupped my cheek.
Our bosses were touching, our eyes met and I could feel his breath on my skin.
I closed my eyes and without realizing it my lips were on his.
The kiss was delicate and his soft lips tasted like mint.
As we pulled apart he smiled at me.
Then we heard a voice behind us.

" Harvey you should start getting ready"

We both turned too look at Blair.
I blushed and looked Harvey's back.

Harvey:" yes I'll get ready in a minute."

He left the green room and again we were alone.

Nyah :" you should go."

Harvey:" I know. After the concert do you want to do something?"

Nyah:"yes, but what about the fans?"

Harvey:" we can sneak out like teenagers"

He laughed quietly.

Harvry:" I'll send a friend to get you back here"

Nyah :" ok."

We both got up.
We were in front of each other and I dint know what to do.
The he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. As we pulled apart we looked deeply into each other's eyes.
He started leaning on me and again our lips met.

Harvey:" see you later"

He smiled and went to his changing room.
I stayed there a bit shocked.
I just kissed Harvey. Twice.
It feels like a dream.

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