Brook-imagine for amber

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Amber's pov:

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before answering the door.
Brook came here to keep me company. He's my boyfriend.
My parents are away for work and I don't have siblings.
So I'm alone.
As I opened the door a smiling Brook appeared.

Amber:" hey brook".

Brook:" hi, amber"

He pecked my lips and I let him in.
We sat on the sofa.

Amber:" do you wanna watch netflix?"

Brook:" yep"

I put on a series and we both sat there watching the TV.
It was kinda of awkward as we've been together just for a few weeks and both of us are quite shy.
We were in silence the film kept on going and I just decided to interrup the silence.

Amber:" do you want a coke"

Brook:" what?  Sorry I was thinking"

Amber:" do you want a drink?"

Brook:" yes, please"

I got up and went to the kitchen.
I took out the fridge a coke and then I realised I haven't asked him what he wanted.
I turned around to go ask him but as I did he was there laying on the door frame.

Amber:" hey Brook what drink do you want?"

Brook:" the same as you it's fine"

So I took it out the fridge.
I could feel his gaze on me so I just looked at him.

Amber:" what? Do I have something on my face?"

Brook:" no it's just that you're cute"

I turned bright red at his compliment.
I looked down and answered with a quiet "thank you"
He stepped closer to me and lifted my chin with his fingers.
I looked into his green eyes and he looked in mine.
He slowly leaned on me and we shared a sweet kiss.
As we pulled apart we smiled at each other.
I was still as red as a tomato.

Brook:" shall we order some pizza I'm hungry"

I nodded.
He ordered pizza and then got back on the sofa with me.
This time he wrapped an arm around my shoulders pulling me closer and I laid my head on his shoulder.
We ate and then decided to play monopoly.
I was winning.

Brook:" uff, why am I always the one paying?"

Ambr:" because you suck at this game"

I joked.

Brook:" I what?"

Amber:"you suck!"

I repeated.
He got up and started tickling me.
I'm so ticklish.

Amber:" no please. Stop"

I said in between the laughs.

Brook:" take back what you said"

Amber:"no it's the truth"

I was crying of laughter.

Amber:" Please stop!"

Brook:"I won't stop until you take it back"

Amber:" fine I take it back"

Brook:" you take back what?"

Amber:" you don't suck at monopoly"

He finally stopped.
I don't know how but he ended up on me.
I turned bright red and as soon as he realised our position his cheeks turned into a reddish color.
He quickly got off me and sat next to me.
We sat back on the sofa and watched a movie.
A slowly started falling asleep I laid my head on his shoulder.
Suddenly I felt Brooklyn lifting me up and taking me upstairs.
Soon later I felt the softness of the mattress underneath me.
Brook kissed my head.

Brook:" I'm going goodnight"

Amber:" no can you stay please?"

I whispered.
Brook didn't answer I just felt him laying next to me and wrapping his arms around my small body.

This is the imagine for xroadtripx
Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @ Aurora_Fowler04

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