Mikey-imagine for holly

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Holly's pov:

I was on my bed chilling when my phone started ringing. It was Mikey. My best friend.

Mikey:" hey holly. How are you"

He said cheerfully.

Holly:" hi, I'm fine. You?"

Mikey:" I'm fine. I was wondering if you wanted to come to the beach with us?"

Without thinking I answered.

Holly:" yes. It's been so long since I last went."

Mikey:" I'm an hour we'll come to pick you up."

Holly:" ok. I'll be ready."

Then he hung up.
I got up immidiatly and started getting ready.
I wore my black bikini a pair of shorts and I white t-shirt.
I prepared a bag. I put in it sunscreen, a towel, my sunglasses and a change.
As I was ready I waited for the boys to arrive.
After a short time money rang my bell.
I ran downstairs and as soon as I saw mikey I hugged him.

Mikey:" hi holly, let's go."

Holly:" hi mikey, hi boys"

I waved at all the boys inside the van.
Rye was driving and I was sat next to mikey.
After an hour of singing and laughing we were at the beach.
As soon as we arrived we all got out the van and started heading towards the sea.
I laid my towel in the sand and started sun bathing.
The boys were all in the water but not andy.
He was lying next to me.

Andy:" holly, aren't you going in the water?"

Holly:" maybe later. You?"

Andy:" later."

We laughed a bit.

Holly:" it seems like we are gonna have just each others company"

Andy :" yes"

We laughed again.
Suddenly I felt a set body on mine.

Holly:" no. No. No. It's cold!"

I looked up and saw mikey wet curls dripping on my skin.

Holly:" mikey!"

I yelled and he just laughed.

Mikey:" you deserved it"

He got off me and sat next to me.

Holly:" what?! Why?"

Mikey:" you didn't come with us"

Holly:" oh well I'm sorry I didn't want to wet my beautiful hair"

I joked pretending to be angry.

Mikey:" well we can fix that"

He said before getting up.

Suddenly I was lifted off the ground.
I was in mikey's arms and he was walking towards the water.
I yried to escape but i couldn't.

Holly:" no, mikey please."

But before I could hear his answer he let me call into the water. As I stood up all wet I gave mikey a death glare.

Holly:" you're gonna regret it"

I tried to push him under the water but he was to strong for me so it turned into a splash fight.

Mikey:" ok stop, stop. I'm sorry"

He laughed.

Holly:" you better be"

I laughed again.
We got out the water laughing.
We spent another few hours at the beach we decide that it was better to go home.
After another hour of driving I was back at home.

Holly:" but guys. It was nice to see you"

Mikey walked me to the door.

Holly:" thank you for inviting me it was fun."

Mikey:" thank you for coming. We should do it again"

Holly:" yes. I'll call you later"

Mikey:" ok. Bye"

He hugged me tightly.


He then went back to the boys and I got in the house.

Hope you liked the new imagine.
Follow my instagram account @ Aurora_fowler04

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