Harvey-imagine for helly

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Helly's pov:

Harvey started tour a couple of weeks ago and I miss him so much.
While he was away I found out I am pregnant. I don't want to tell him on the phone so I decided to go to one of his dates to surprise him and tell him the news.
I packed a few clothes and hopped in the car.
While driving home I couldn't help wondering about his reaction.
He always said he wants kids.
I wanted to do something cute so I'm going to give him a box with baby clothes and a pair of shoes.
I still don't know if it's going to be a boy or a girl at one I chose yellow.
After an hour of driving I was at the hotel.
I spoke to Blair and he said that Harvey is out for sure. So I got a copy of his room key and got in.
I set everything up.
I put the box on the bed and I also got a balloon with the writing "congratulations".
I sat on the armchair and waited patiantly. After a bit my phone beeped.
It was Blair.
"he's in the elevator"
Suddenly I felt nervous.
I got up and started walking around the room. Then I heard the door opening.
As the door opened clomplitly Harvey appeared.

Harvey:" hi, baby what are you doing here?"

He looked at me surprised. Then here walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my small figure and hugged me tightly.

Helly:" surprise."

Harvey:" I missed you so much"

Helly:" I missed you too"

As we pulled apart he noticed the balloon.

Harvey:" congratulations?"

He looked at me confused.

Helly:" just open the box"

I smiled.
He walked towards the bed.
He opened the box and looked at me even more confused.

Harvey:"baby clothes? Are you pregnant?"

I smiled and nodded.
A wide smile grew on his face.

Harvey:" oh my God, seriously?"

He ran to me and hugged me.
He lifted me off the ground and spun me around.
He let me down and kissed me.

Harvey:"we are going to be parents! I love you so much."

Then his lips crashed on mine.
It was a kiss full of joy and love.

Helly:" I love you too"

I said and hugged him again.
He rested abandon my stomach and looked at me smiling.

It's eight months and three weeks that I'm pregnant and I really want the baby to come out.
Having this bump is tiring.
We have already everything ready: we bought a new house and moved in together.
It all happened quickly but we managed to sort everything out.
The room for the baby is ready, and also the bag for the hospital.
I can't believe that in a few months my life changed so much, but I think these have been the best of my life.
We just came back from a restaurant in London. We had dinner out.
Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.
I winced in pain.

Harvey:" helly, are you OK?"

Helly:" Bring me to the hospital. I think it's time"

Harvey:" yes, I'll get the bag."

I could feel the panic in his voice but he tried to not let me notice that.
He walked upstairs while I started walking towards the car.
He was back downstairs in a few minutes. We got in the car  and he drove to the hospital.
As soon as we were there they gave me a room.
The pain in my stomach got more frequent through the journey.
After a few hours in the hospital Bradley James Cantwell was born.

Harvey:"he's so small"

He said getting in the room with our baby boy in his arms.

Helly:" he's so cute. He's gonna be an heartbreaker like daddy. Right?"

I said caressing his small arm.
He passed me the baby and I held him in my arms swinging him slowly.
He slowly opened his eyes. They looked just like Harvey's.

Helly:" he got your eyes. He's definitely going to be an heartbreaker. "

We laughed together.
I couldn't be happier.
He hugged me tightly and left a kiss on my head.

Harvey:" I love you so much."

Helly:" I love you too"

Hope you enjoyed eternalnamjoon
Go follow my instagram account @ Aurora_fowler04

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