Brook-imagine For Mia(smut)

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Mia's pov:

I was sleeping peacefully when I heard an husky voice whispering in my ear.

" baby wake up. It's late."

I turned on the other side and snuggled to the pillow even more.

" wake up I made you breakfast."

Brook said.
I turned my head towards him opening just an eye.

Mia:" did you?"

Brook:" no but it worked."

He said with a proud smirk.
I took the pillow and hit him with it.
He fell on the bed laughing.

Mia:" you're so mean. "

I said hitting him again.

Brook:" no I'm not. Now stop."

Mia:" stop what?"

I asked playing dumb and hit him gain.
The i put the pillow back down and laid on him.

Mia:"good morning."

I smiled.

Brook:"good morning to you too."

He smiled back.
Then he started stroking my hair gently.

Mia:" are you ok?"

Brook:" never been better."

Mia:" I know what could be better."

I smirked and ground my hips on his.

Brook:" do it again."

I repeated the move and smirked.
I immediately felt his bulge growing on my leg.
He closed his eyes getting lost in the feeling and I continued my moves.
His hand slid on my hips and one of them gave my butt a light squeeze.
Then I kissed down his neck searching for his weak spot, which is just above his collar bone.
I started suckling on it obteneing a low groan from him.
His hands roamed on my body shamelessly.
Then he kissed my lips.
I swiped my tongue over his bottom lip and slipped my tongue in his mouth.
Then he bit my lower lip.
He knows I love it.
I pulled apart for a quick second to take off the hoodie I was wearing underneath the only clothing item I had was my underwear.
I straddled his lap and sat up as he was lying on the bed, running his soft hands on my thighs.
I traced and imaginary line on his chest and over hi shoulders tracing the lines of his tatoo.
I lowered my mouth on his and captured his lips in mine.
With a swift move he flipped us over.
Now he was on top on me, between my legs.
His hardness was pushing on my core, making me wetter.
He kissed down my chest and reached the waistband on my panties.
He laced it with his fingers and pulled it down.
He was about to kiss up my stomach my I pushed his head down with my hand and a small whine left my lips.
He looked up at me smirking before kissing my centre.
He flicked his tongue in me and I moaned.
His hand kneaded my breast while mine tangled in his hair.
My hips trusted instinctively towards his has he started moving his tongue faster.
He ran his fingers up and down my legs and our gazes never drifted apart.
I closed my eyes as a warm feeling build up in my stomach.
The warmth released and his name left my lips.
Then he left a trail of kisses up my stomach.
He quickly took off his shirt and our lips met again.
I undid the drawstring of his shorts and he pulled them down with his underwear.
He kissed my jaw and with a quick move he eased in me.
I gadoed ta the sudden feeling and immediately felt the pleasure radiating in me.
He pushed in and out of me increasing the pace quickly.
I gripped on his back leaving light red marks.
My head fell back and he buried his in my neck.
His warm breath hit my skin sending shivers down my spine.
Suddenly my climax built up in me, for the second time this morning.
I clenched around him and rode out my orgasm.
I felt his thrusts becoming weaker and before he could cum he got out of me and released his juice on my stomach.
He got off me and took some tissues to help me clean up myself.
He laid next to me and rested his head on my shoulder.

Mia:" this is a good way to wake up. Why don't you do it always?"

Brook:" because you're always the first one to wake up."

I giggled.

Mia:" right."

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @Aurora_Fowler04

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