Rye-imagine For Katelan

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Katelan's pov:

I just got at rye's.
He invited me to study.
We go to school together and I asked him some help for spanish.
He's really good at it and I have to ad. It that he sound quite hot when he speaks Spanish.
I might have a small crush on him, but it would take be a problem. Right?
I rang the bell and rye opened the door.

Rye:"hi katelan"

He said hugging me.

Katela:" hi"

I have to admit that I felt a bit embarrassed at first.
He let me in and led the way to his room.
I sat on a chair while he was on the bed.
As we were in we heard a knock on the door.

Rye:" come in"

Then his mum appeared on the door frame.

" rye can you look after the twins please? I have to go"

He looked at me and before he could answer his mum spoke.

" oh, sorry I did t know you had a friend over."

She said a bit embarassed.

Katelan:" it's fine. Nice to meet you I'm katelan."

She answered sweetly.

" nice to meet you too. "

Rye:" mum, I'll look after the twins. Now go or you'll be late."

" I'm going. Bye"

She answered before getting out of the room.
Then two boys appeared in the room.
Wow, they're really similar to each other.

Shaun:" hi. I'm Shaun."

He said smiling at me.

Katelan:" hi, I'm katelan. Nice to meet you."

Sammie: and I'm Sammie."

He smiled at me too.
They're so cute.

Shaun:" are you rye's girlfriend? "

One of them asked, Shaun I think.
I blushed and looked at rye.

Rye:"no, she's not my girlfriend. Now, go play in your room we have to study."


They said at the same time. It was almost creepy.
As they got out the room rye spoke.

Rye :"I'm sorry about that."

Katelan:" it's fine. They're cute"

Not as much as you. I thought in my head.

Rye:"shall we start?"

I nodded before taking my book out.
We started just thirty minutes ago and this is already difficult.
I can't concentrate, I keep on looking at his lips.
Why is he so damn handsome.
Suddenly rye's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

Rye:" hey katelan, are you OK?"

Katelan:" yes, why?"

I asked curiously, even though I know why he's asking that.

Rye:" you seem deep in thought."

Katelan:" actually, just a bit but it doesn't matter."

I lied. I hope I won't notice that.

Rye:" so did you finish the exercise? "

I looked at my book and all I wrote was a heart.
I looked back up at him and before I could speak he spoke.

Rye:" we can study another time if you can't focus. "

Katelan:" no, it's fine it's just that-"

I didn't have the time to finish that a knock on the door interrupted me.
Then Shaun's and sammie's faces appeared.


I smiled at them.

Shaun:" can you play with us?"

I looked at rye.

Rye:"I mean... If it's fine by you..."

Katelan:"I think it's a yes then"

I smiled at them.
They cheered and then we all went to their gaming room.

Rye:" thank you."

He said while walking downstairs.

Katelan:" it's OK, I love kids"

Katelan:" so what do you wanna play?"


They said in sync and again it was almost creepy.
We sat on the couch while rye served everything up.

Rye:" the teams are katelan and me VS  you two."

He said to the twins.

Katelan:" I really suck at videogames."

Rye:"it doesn't matter"

He sat next ti me and ha dedicato me a joypad.
We played the whole afternoon.
Weirdly we won and rye hugged me tightly.
I paralyzed for a second and then hugged him back.
Meanwhile his parents got back home and they invited me for dinner.
I didn't want to be rude so I accepted gladly.
I sat next to rye.

Katelan:" I really need to go now."

We went up to his room to get my bag.

Rye:" it was nice having you here. I hope we can do it again "

Katelan:" yes, I'd love too. I spent a nice afternoon. Next time you'll help me with spanish, though."

I laughed quietly.

Rye:" yes"

We stopped in the middle of the room.
He looked deeply into my eyes.
He cupped my cheek and he wrapped his other hand on my waist.
He slowly leaned down.
My heart skipped a beat and immidiately after it started racing.
He closed the space between our lips.
As we pulled apart I looked down.
He lifted my chin with his fingers and made me look in his eyes.
I blushed a bit and he kissed me again.

Katelan:" I think I should go. It's late"

I smiled at him.

Rye:" yes, I'll walk you home."

I nodded and we headed downstairs.

Katekan:"it was nice to meet you all. Bye"

I said before getting out.
Then he walked me home.
I  can't believe at what just happened.
I'm over the moon.

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