Rye-imagine For Britt (smut)

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Britt's pov:

I'm so tired it's since this morning that I am in this office.
I can't wait to go back home and7 see rye.
I missed him so much today.
He texted me a few minutes ago.
He said that he just finished reaharsl for tour.
Then I heard a knock on the door.

Britt:" come in."

The open and my assistent came in.

" can I go home. It's quite late"

Britt:" yes, go."

I smiled at her and she closed the door before leaving the office.
As always I'm the last one to leave the building.
Then I heard again so. Done knocking on the door.
I wonder who it could be.

Britt :" come in"

The door opened and this time I was surprised to see rye.

Britt:" hey rye what are you doing here?"

He came closer and I got up.

Rye:" I missed you. And I never saw your office. So here I am."

He smiled at me.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.
My heels clicked on the wooden floor as I stepped towards him.
I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Britt:" so do you like it? "

Rye:" if you mean your skirt then yes. It fits you perfectly."

He said sliding a hand on my bum and smacking it.

Britt:" I meant the office."

Rye:" yes you have really nice desk."

He smirked. Only God knows what's on his mind right now.

Rye:" did I ever tell you that you look so sexy in that skirt?"

Britt:" now you did."

I smiled at him.

Rye:" well you look really hot. Though I can imagine your skirt on the floor while I fuck you on that desk."

He whispered in my ear while slowly unzipping my skirt.
My heart skipped a beat.

Britt:" rye, someone could hear us."

Rye:" there's no one at least on this floor. "

Then he pulled my skirt off.
It fell on the floor.
Rye smashed his lips on mine and kissed me fiercely.
He squeezed my bum and I gasped.
He took the chance to slid his tongue in my mouth tasted every inch of it.
His minty taste mixed with mine, creating a beautiful contrast.
He left my lips just to start kissing me neck. He pushed a k 'till I was against the desk.
He kissed down my chest and unbuttoned my shirt opening completely.
He took it off then he reached my waist and kneeled down in front of me.
My breath hitched as he left a kiss right on my core.
I rested a hand on the desk behind me and the other one tangled in his hair as he slid down my legs my panties.
Then he flicked his tongue in me and moved it slowly.
While his hands traced up and down the back of my legs.
I suddenly felt hot and a wave of pleasure got over me.
Suddenly I felt electricity running through my body and his name left my lips loudly.
He got up and I helped him getting rid of his t-shirt.
Then I buttoned his pants and pulled them off but before I could kneel down he made me turn around.
His hands were tight on my hips.
I rested my hands on the desk to support my weight.
He smacked my bum again, then he left a wet trial of kisses down my spine and without any warning he entered mecrom behind me.
I felt my knees weaken underneath me.
He pushed in and out of me fiercely.
My back arched and I felt his hardness even deeper.
A moan left my lips and he groaned lowly.
He wrapped his fingers gers on my waist and moved my hips towards his.
We moved in sync for a while. Until we reached our climax.
He rested his head on my back.
He breath cooled down my hot skin.
Then he moved next to me and dressed again.
I took my skirt and my shirt and put them on again.
Then I took my underwear but before I could even think of putting them on he stopped me.

Rye:" give me those."

I didn't ask anything I just gave them to him.
He smirked before putting them in his pocket.
I smirked at him and kissed him again.

Rye:" I love you babe."

Britt:" I love you too"

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