Mikey-imagine for danielle

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Danielle's pov:

I'm so excited for today.
I can't wait for Mikey to come here. He's gonna pick me up soon.
He invited me on a date.
He's taking me to the cinema.
I'm also really nervous.
What if something goes wrong?!
Suddenly the door bell rang.
I looked ta myself in the mirror one last time, making sure to look at least Ok.
Then I ran to the door and opened.
A smiling Mikey appeared.

Mikey:" hey, you look beautiful"

Danielle:" hi. Thank you."

I blushed a bit.

Miey:" are you ready?"

I nodded before taking my purse.
We started heading to his car. We hopped in and we drove to Westfield.
As soon as we got there we went to get the tickets.
It was still a bit early so we just did some shopping.
After that we got some popcorn and got into the cinema room.
The film started. It seemed pretty cool from the trailer u hope it's going to as good.
We were sat next to each other.
While sitting our arms brushed and I felt a tingling feeling in my stomach.
Keeping his eyes on the screen he intertwined our fingers.
As soon as he did so I looked down at our hands and then looked up at him.
He did the same and even though it was quite dark in the room I could see his smile.
I smiled too.
He's always so cute and cheeky.
And just like me he's romantic person.
Everytime I'm with him I feel this warmth that makes my heart beat furiously.
Everytime I look in his eyes I get lost in those blue skys.
Everytime I hear his laugh is wanna laugh too.
Everytime I see that his hair is it wanna run my hand through it, to put it back in place.
The film kept on going while I was thinking and without realising it we were already half way through it.
As always there a small break in between the two parts of the film.
The lights turned on and mikey turned to look at me.
He had a wide smile on.
I smiled back at him.

Mikey:" do you like the film?"

Danielle:"yes. It's cool"

Soon after the light turned back off and we kept on watching the movie.
Suddenly I felt his arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on his.
When the film finished we got out the cinema and decided to get a frozen yogurt.
We sat in the booth talking about the movie we saw.
I couldn't stop smiling as I heard him talking.
Eventually we went back to my house.
He walked me to the door. I opened and stopped at the door frame.

Danielle:" do you want a cup of tea?"

Mikey:" I'm sorry I can't have to go to the studio"

Danielle:" ah, ok."

Mikey:" it was nice to spend time with you"

Danielle:" I can sadly the same. We should do it again"

Mikey:"yes. Yes, we should"

He was staring intensively into my eyes just as me.
I got lost in his blue ones.
Slowly he started leaning on me.
We were inches away.
I closed my eyes and he closed the space between us, crashing his lips on mine.
We got lost in that sweet delicate kiss that when we pulled apart he had to run away, otherwise I'd be late.
It was a nice day, that ended in the best way possible.

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