Rye-imagine for Ellie

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Ellie's pov:

I just finished getting ready for my date with Rye.
We've been dating for three months now. He said we are going in a special place and that we are gonna have a lot of fun.
I'm so nervous. What if I embarass myself.
Someone rang the bell, snapping me out of my thoughts.
It's him. I looked at myself in the mirror and checked that I looked fine. I straightened my skirt and made sure that the my hair wasn't messy.
I opened the door and immediately Rye left a kiss on my lips.

Ellie:" hi to you too."

I smiled.

Rye:"hi. You look beautiful."

I blushed a bit.

Ellie:" thank you"

Rye:" are you ready? Let's go"

I nodded before taking my purse and locking the door of my flat.
He intertwined his fingers in mine while walking. We reached the car and got in.

Ellie: "Rye where are we going?"

Rye:" it's a surprise.dont worry it won't take long."

After an hour or so Rye pulled over by a big house.

Rye: " here we are. We're gonna meet my family"

Ellie:" what!? Why didn't you tell I would have prepared. I would have worn something different. Rye I'm nervous, I don't think I'm ready"

I panicked. I can't believe he took me to his parents' house without telling me. It's the first time I meet them.

Rye:" don't worry, It will be fine. They're gonna love you. and you look gorgeous."

Ellie:" but please don't leave my side for anything in the world."

Rye:" I won't"

He laughed slightly.
We walked to the front door and he rang the bell.
A tall guy opened the door, I suppose it's his brother.

Rye: " hey Robbie"

He said before hugging him.
We got in and hi presented me to his family.
His parents were so lovely.
Then two kids came running.

" Rye!!"

They shouted before hugging tightly their brother.

Rye:" guys this is Ellie. Ellie this is shaun and sammie"

Shaun:" you didn't tell us she was really pretty"

Omg! He's so cute.

Ellie:" thank you you're handsome too"

Sammie:" and what about me?"

Ellie:" you're handsome too"

Shaun:" do you wanna play fortnite with us?"

Ellie:" I really suck at that but I'm gonna try"

Rye:" I can play with you Vs the twins"

Then we all went to their room and played fortnite until it was time for lunch.

Shuan:" i wanna sit next to ellie"

Sammie:" me too"

Ellie:" one on the left and one on the right"

Rye:" and you boyfriend?"

I love it when he says that.

Ellie:" I don't know but I prefer the twins they're way cuter than you..."

I joked.

Rye:" I am the cutest one"

He pretended to be angry and both of us burst out laughing.
Then he came closer and kissed me. I smiled just before hearing the twins making vomit sounds.

Sammie:" ewww, never do that again"

Rye:" what? This?"

He said before kissing me again and again the boys pretended to be vomiting.
Rye and i were laughing again.

Rye's mum:" come on guys just sit"

Rye's mum interruped us.

Rye:" I'll just sit in front of you"

I nodded and the  took place at the table.
We had lunch and then we played a bit longer with the twins.
Then it was time to go.
Rye's parents said that I should come again.
Then I hugged Robbie and the twins. They didn't want to let me go and I promised them that I would come back soon.
Then Rye and I got in the car and drove back to my house.

Rye:" so...the twins are cuter than me?"

Rye said before flopping on the sofa.

Ellie:" yes, they are ."

I answered smirking.

Rye:" say that again"

Ellie: "they're cuter than you"

Rye:" say that again, I dare you"

He said before starting to tickle me.
I'm so ticklish. I started laughing so bad.

Ellie:" Please stop!"

Rye:" take back what you said"

Ellie:"no. Stop"

Rye:" take it back"

Ellie:"fine, you're the cutest one"

Rye:" thank you"

He said letting me go.
The we shared a sweet, passionate kiss.

Rye:"I love you"

He said looking straight into my eyes.

Ellie:" I love you too"

This is an imagine for xXrttvXx
Hope you liked it.
Follow my Instagram account @ Aurora_Fowler04

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