Rye-imagine for elle (smut)

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Elle's pov:

I just woke up and the bed was empty.
Lats night Rye was with me.
I got up and slipped on rye's shirt.
It smelled like him. I love his cologne.
I walked to the kitchen and I saw him cooking.
A delicious smell radiated into the kitchen.
I laid on the door frame and looked at him.
He was wearing just a pair of joggers and his torso his bare.
His muscles flinched at every movement he made.
He's so hot.
I walked silently towards him. As I was nearly him I wrapped my arms around his body.

Rye:" good morning"

Elle:" good morning"

I left a kiss on his back.
I moved too look at the food.

Elle:" what are you making?"

Rye:" pancakes, your favourite"

I smiled. He knows me so well.

Elle:" you really know how to please a women"

I looked at me with the corner of his eye and then smirked.
As he was done he turned off the stove.
Suddenly he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me off the ground.
In a quick move I was on the countertop.
He was in between my legs.
Without letting me talk he cuptured my lips in his
I wrapped my arms around his neck intertwining my fingers in his hair, tugging slightly.
He slid his hands on my ass, squeezing it, as always.
He pulled my hips closer to his.
A sweet friction created between us.
A moan escaped my lips.
He pulled away from the kiss drawing my Ower lip in his teeth.
Making me gasp.
Then he started kissing down my neck.

Elle:" rye, what about breakfast?"

Rye:" I'm already having mine"

He smirked and I giggled.
I left out a moan as he sucked on my sweet spot.
Then he took off my shirt and started kissing down my chest.
He reached my most sensitive spot. He left a kiss right there making me even wetter.
He moved my underwear and flicked his tongue in me.
My fingers were tangled in his hair pulling him closer to me.
My head tilted back in ecstasy.
I bit my lower lip bit hardly trying to don't make a lot of noise but then I screamed involuntarily his name.
He reached my mouth again and kissed me.
During the kiss I slid one of my hands in his pants and started pumping him.
He pulled apart from the kiss and I started kissing his neck.
He titled his head to the side leaving more space for my kisses.
My name left his lips. It was a sweet, sexy whisper.
After a bit he reached his climax.
We both breathed heavily, I rested my forehead on his chest while his hands were on my back.
As we caught our breaths we sat at the table for breakfast.
He set a plate full of pancakes in front of me and one on front of himself.
Then I sprayed whipped cream on it and also maple syrup.
He did the same and we started eating.

Rye:" Elle, you have something on your lip"

He pointed at my lower lip and I tried to take it off.

Rye:" wait let me help you."

He came closer and suddenly my nose was covered in whipped cream.

Elle:" hey! Rye!"

Rye:" Ok, let me help you. This time I'm serious"

He got closer again and this time he cleaned the whipped cream and stuck his finger in his mouth.

Rye:" it tastes nearly as good as you"

I choked on the mouthful I just chewed.

Elle:" rye!"

I blushed at his comment.

Rye:" it's the truth. I wish you could be my breakfast everyday."

He winked at me and then smirked.

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