Rye-imagine For Clodagh (smut)

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Clodagh's pov:

Rye:" why the fuck were you with him? You know I don't like him."

He shouted as we got in the house.
He slammed the door close and a loud noise echoed through the house.

Clodagh:"he's a friend. I can't see the problem."

I yelled back at him.
He's mad at me bacuase I was talking to Justine.
He's a friend of mine but rye just doesn't get it.

Rye:" I see the problem! He likes you and you don't see it!"

I threw my bag on the sofa angrily.

Clodagh:" how many times do I have to tell?! He doesn't like me. He's a friend. And even if he likes me I don't like him."

Rye:" I don't care if you don't like him! He's trying to steal you from me!"

Clodagh:"rye I'm not an object. Stop it! We have already spoken about this. He doesn't like me!"

I screamed.

Rye:" fuck! It's impossible, you're so dumb!"

Clodagh:" what?! I am dumb!?"

Rye:" yes! You don't understand!"

Clodagh:" you know what?! I don't understand how I can be so dumb to be with you! "

I shouted before running in our bedroom, locking the door behind me.
I rested on the wall and slowly slid down.
I held my knees close to my chest and tears started leaving my eyes.
I looked the small drops falling on the fabric of my jeans, wetting the blue material and leaving a stain.
I can't believe he actually screamed it to my face.
You're so dumb.
I am dumb.
We have already gone through this topic but never so hard.
He's just blinded by jealousy.
But he hurt me. I can't always forgive him immediately.
Then I heard a knock on the door.
I didn't answer and he started banging on the door.

Rye:"Clodagh, open. Please. We have to talk. I'm sorry. I am the stupid"

He said from the other side of the door.

Rye:" please."

I got up and looked at the wooden door in front of me, reflecting if I should open the door.
I wrapped my fingers around the key and the other hand on the golden know.
I slowly unlocked the door and opened the door.
Rye was stood there, in front of me.
His eyes were a deeper shade of brown.
He walked towards me hesitantly.
As he walked I stepped backwards.

Rye:" look, odagh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to sya that. You're not dumb."

And as he said that I stopped thinking I started hitting his chest as hard as possible but of course I didn't hurt him at all.
My fists collided with his stone-hard chest, furiously.
But he didn't even flinch.
He grabbed my fist and I kept on trying to hit him but he stopped me.

Clodagh:" rye, fuck off!"

Tears started sliding down my cheeks and he didn't let go of my arms.
In a quick move he smashed his lips on mine.
At first I hesitated but then I moved my lips.
The kiss was immediately rough and heated.
He swiped his tongue over my bottom lips asking for permission and I aprted my lips.
He slipped his tongue in my mouth and tasted me fiercely.
His hands traveled down my body and as they reached my bum he lifted me off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his body.
Without breaking the kiss he walked to our bed and slowly sat on it.
I was straddling his waist.
I voluntarily I grinded my hips on his making him groan.
Then he started kissing my neck.
Then he slid his hands under my shirt and quickly pulled it off.
He kissed all over my chest leaving small marks.
I pushed him down on the bed and in a quick move he flipped is over.
So now he was on top kissing down my chest.
He pinned my arms on the bed, and as I tried to ran my fingers through his hair he pinned them down again.

Rye:" keep them there."

He said before kissing down my stomach.
He unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down.

Rye:" look at me."

As he said that I opened my eyes and followed every move he did.
He laced his fingers with the waistband of my underwear and slid it down my legs.
Then he kissed up my left leg but as he reached the apix between my thighs he kissed back down the right one.
My breath hitched as he left a kiss right on my centre before flicking his tongue in me.
My hands tangled in his hair and this time he let me do it.
His fingers wrapped around my hip and pushed it down on the bed making me stop writhing under him while his other hand kneaded my breast.
I watched him as he worked in me faster and faster and while he did his eyes met mine.
All I could see was lust.
Suddenly a wave of electricity got over me and  aloud moan left my mouth as my back arched.

Clodagh:" si, papi." (yes, dady.)

He leveled his lips with mine again and before he kissed me he whispered on lips.

Rye:" amo cuado me llamas papi." (i love when you call me daddy.)

Then his lips met mine in a rough kiss.
Then he got rid of his t-shirt and I rolled over him so that I was on top.
I kissed down his chest and left a mark.
His hands roamed around my body shamelessly.
I unbuttoned his trousers and took them off, throwing them somewhere on the floor.
Then he sat up with me and in a swift move he made me sit on the bed.
He took a condom from the bedside table and then took off his underwear.
I laid back on the bed and he kneeled between my legs.
He rolled on the condom on and looked down at me.
He grabbed the back of both my knees and pulled them up so that they were bent at both sides on him and spread them a bit more.
Then he ran his hands from my knees to my hips and quickly left a wet trial of kiss up my body.
First my lower stomach, my belly, the space between my breasts, my throat, my ear lobe.

Rye:" moan my name baby."

Then he pushed in me taking me by surprise.
He trusted in me slowly and my hips moved on their own.
They pushed towards his waist, meeting them half way through his moves.

Clodagh:" papi."

I moaned in his neck.
He increased the pace and I was about to lose it.

Rye:" fuck."

He groaned.
Then he started tracing circles on my clit pushing me over the edge.
In a minute awarm feeling raised in me and again his name left my lips.
Then his thrusts became sloppuer and I felt the condom filling as he moaned my name.
He kissed me before getting up and throwing the conodm away.
Then heaid on the bed next to me.
I rested my head on his chest.

Clodagh:" I hate you."

It came out more as a whisper than as  an angry shout.

Rye:" I'm sorry."

He left a kiss on my head and wrapped his arms around me.
Then he lifted my chin and made me look in his eyes.
He rubbed his thumb over my cheeks.

Rye:" can you forgive me, please?"

He asked sweetly.
Although I didn't want to I got lost in his eyes and all the pain desappeared.
I know I said I can't always forgive him but when I look in those eyes all my walls fall down and I can't help but hide in his arms to find comfort.

Clodagh:" yes."

As I spoke a small tugged ta the corners of his lips.

Rye:" I'm an idiot and I love you."

Clodagh:" yes you are and I love you too."

I smiled at him.

Rye:" though I made it up to you, right?"

He smirked swiping his lower lips with his tongue.
I bit my lip looking at him and thinking at his tongue in me.
I tightened my thighs at the thought.

Rye:" what are you thinking about? "

He smirked at me.

Clodagh:" shut up. "

I said hitting playfully his chest.
I closed my eyes and listened to his heart beat.

This is the imagine for menziona un utentehope you liked it.
Follow my Instagram account @ aurora_fowler04

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