Rye-imagine For Amelia

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Amelia's pov:

I just finished getting ready for the concert.
I finally got tickets for on of the roadtrip shows. But they're not just tickets they're vip tickets.
I'm so excited. I can't wait to see the boys specially rye.
He's my favorite.
He's so hot but most of all I like his angelic voice.
Everytime I hear him singing I feel goosebumps and shivers run down my spine.
I looked onece more in the mirror to check that everything was fine.
As I was ready, for real I got my purse and went downstairs.
Luckly the venue is quiet near my house.
In twenty minutes I was thereand got in.
I looked around and I was one of the first to get here. There are just a few girls.
Then I looked on the stage and the boys appeared.
They started doing souncheck and I couldn't take my eyes off rye.
As he noticed me we made eye contact and he smiled.
As they finished they got off stage and walked towards us.
I got closer to the group that formed around them and again our eyes met.
He smiled again.
He's gonna make my heart melt if he keeps doing that.
Then the group slowly broke apart a d all the girls that were there talked with one them.
I was talking with Ryan with other two girls.
The people with the vip ticket weren't a lot.
Then he girls went to Andy and left. E alone with him.
I suddenly got mervous.

Rye:" hey beautiful. Are you OK?"

He just called me beautiful. I tried to not fangirl. I don't want to look crazy.
I breathed and calmed down.

Amelia:" yes. I'm so happy to be here."

Rye:" me too. I love performing."

We started talking but then it was time for them to go backstage.
He hugged and I felt that he slipped something in my pocket.
Then, as we pulled apart, he smiled at me and winked.
I quickly checked in my pocket and I found a piece of paper.
There was a phone number and a writing. "see you after the show."
I felt a kind of connection between us but I never thought he felt it too.
I was even more excited than before.
Slolwy the room started to fill and I was in the first row.
The show began and the crowd went wild.
The show was amazing.
They had a lot of energy.
Then everyone got out of the venue
And the only thing I could think about was the paper he gave me.
After the show....
Should I text him? Maybe I should.
Then I did everything without thinking. I took my phone and texted him.

Amelia:" hey, it's Amelia. I'm out."

In a minute I heard my phone beeped.
It was him.

Rye:" I'll be out in ten."

He sent also a heart. A heart.
I'm freaking out but I have to stay calm.
I looked straight towards me and rested on the wall behind me suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I jumped a bit. He scared me.
Then a voice spoke.

" sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

I looked at my right and rye was there with a playful smile. He was holding back a laugh.

Amelia:" don't laugh. You scared me."

Rye:"I'm sorry. It was funny."

He laughed.

Amelia:" fine."

Rye:" do you want to do a walk? "

I nodded and he took my hand.
I felt butterflies in my stomach as he held my hand.
We walked to the back of the building and continued to the park.
As we there we sat on the swings but he didn't let go of my hand.
We started talking about nothing.
I was comfortable talking with him.
Then, all of a sudden a peaceful silence fell upon us.
We deeply into each other's eyes and he slowly started leaning on me.
Our noses were nearly touching and his warm breath hit my skin.
I closed my eyes and as his lips touched mine I felt sparks.

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