Harvey-imagine For Marissa (smut)

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Marissa's pov:

We just got to the paris venue.
Harvey is touring Europe ad he asked me to come with him.
I accepted happily.
We all got out of the bus and got in the fenue to settle our own stuff in the changing rooms.
Harvey has his own one, which he shares with me.
Kind of as I don't really need one but I spend most of the time with him.
As we got in Harvey and I went to his room and he put his bag on the couch.
And got closer to me.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me even closer.
I tested my hands on his shoulders and a wide smile spread on his face.
Then his lips met mine.
At first the kiss was sweet and delicate but in a quick second it turned into a wild passionate kiss.
He slid his hands on my bum and squeezed it slightly.
I swiped my tongue over his lower lip.
Suddenly we heard the door opening.
We quickly pulled away and looked at the door.
Elliot appeared.
He was as red as me.
He mumbled a "sorry" before closing the door behind him.
Harvey and I burst out laughing.

Harvey:" we'll finish this later."

He kissed my cheek and smirked.
He took my hand and led me out of the room.
We reached the others.
Tonight we are staying in a hotel before getting back in the bus and traveling all the way to german.
So we went to the hotel and checked in.
The whole day was kind of boring until the show started.
It was amazing Harvey's voice echoed
through out the whole building the dancers did an amazing job.
After the concert we went to the hotel.
Harvey and I, of course shared a room.
He took my hand as we walked towards our room.
Then as we got in he locked the door and looked at me.

Harvey:" this time no one will interrupt us."

Then he smashed his lips on mine.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I tangled my fingers in his hair as I walked backwards.
Then my knees touched the. At tress and we fell on it.
He's body was on top of mine.
His hands roamed around my body shamelessly.
Then he took off my too and without any hesitation he started kissing down my chest, reaching quickly my waistline.
He unbuttoned my jeans and left a trial of kisses over my hip.
Then he pulled down my pants and kissed up my legs and my chest.
His lips met mine and we kissed.
His fingers rubbed up my thigh and slowly reached my core.
Suddenly he entered me with a finger.
My breath hitched and I involuntarily thrust my hips towards his fingers.
He nibbled on my earlobe as his thumb drew small circles over my clit.
My back arched and my chest pressed on his.
Before I could say anything he put his hand over my mouth muffling the loud sound.
Then he took his fingers out of me and I flipped us over.
I took off his t-shirt and left a wet trial of kiss on his chest.
He started u buttoning his pants.
In a sudden move he pushed me so that I was lying on the bed again.

Harvey:" fuck! I can't wait anymore."

He said before taking off his Jens and his underwear then he got on top of me.
He grabbed the back of my thighs, spreading them a bit and in a quick move he eased in me.
Once again my breath hitched ta the sudden feeling.
My hands tangled in his hair while his were one by my shoulder and the other one ran up and down my thigh.
As he moved our lips struggled to connect until he just buried his head on my neck and nibbled on it.
I titled my head back in pleasure and he increased the pace with every push.
My hips moved in sync with his and our moanes filled the silence in the room.
A warm feeling raised in my lower stomach, his thrusts became sloppier and at the same time we reached our highest.
Our lips met, suffocating the loud moanes.
He collapse on me and I stroked his hair as he rested his head on my chest.

Harvey:" I love you. Baby."

He whispered kissing my collar.
Then he closed his eyes.

Marissa:" I love you too."

I kissed his head and closed my eyes, slowly falling asleep.

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