Andy-imagine For Millie (smut)

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Millie's pov:

We just got back to andy's house. We've been to London to do some shopping.

Andy:" hi guys."

Rye and Mike were on the sofa with biscuit.


We all greeted and I ran to biscuit.
I started petting him. I love him so much and he's so cute.

Andy:" Millie do you wanna watch a movie?"

Millie:" yes I'll come in a second"

I smiled at him and he went to the cinema room to set everything up.
I petted biscuit for a while more and then joined andy in the cinema.
I sat next to him on the couch.
I put my legs over his and while watching the film he sludge his hand on my inner thigh.
He started caressing my leg over my leggings.
He traced little hearts on my right leg and slowly got closer to the apix between my legs.
I tested my hand on his and stopped him.

Millie:" babe, the boys are in the other room"

He looked at me annoyed.

Andy:" fine"

We turned our heads to the screen and watched the film.
Then he started playing with the waistband of my leggings.
He really doesn't want to stop so I'll play his game.
I turned around so that I was on my stomach.
I could feel his gaze on my skin.
He rested a hand on my bum.
Then he slowly slide his hand in my trousers and I gasped at the feeling of his hand on my skin.

Millie:" Andy! Stop, the guys are in the  room next to us"

He laid over me.

Andy:" I don't care. I want you."

He whispered in my ear. I felt a shiver going down my spine.

Millie:" Andy, seriously if one of them-"

Before I could finish he entered me with a finger.

Millie:" oh God"

I let out a long breath and enjoyed the feeling.

Andy:" I knew you were ready for me."

He whispered in my ear and started nibbling on my earlobe.
He worked his fingers in me faster until a warm feeling raised into me.
My back arched and I felt his hardness on my bum.
I bt my lips hard and covered my mouth with a my hand to not make any noise.
I breathed heavily and he got off me and sat.
I looked at him and turned around.
He looked at me biting his lip.
I looked up at the ceiling trying to catch my breath.

Andy:" babe, come here"

I sat up before straddling him.
He moved a strand of hair behind my ear.
Andy leaned closer and smashed his lips on mine.
My hands tangled in his hair tugging slightly.
He let out a low groan and bit my lower lip.
It turns me on so much.
His hands went down to my bum squeezing it.
I gasped and he got the chance to slip his tongue in my mouth.
He broke the kiss, drawing my lips between his teeth, and started kissing down my neck, searching for my sweet spot.
As he found it he started nibbling, leaving a mark on my skin, and it was stronger than me. I let a moan fall out my lips making him smirking on my skin.
While kissing he made me lie down on the bed.
His body was towering over mine.
In a few seconds my jumper was on the floor.
He kissed down my stomach and took off my leggins.
He kneeled in front of me and took a moment to look at me before taking off his shirt and his jeans.
After a few minutes he entered me with a quick move.
He pushed in and out of me increasing the pace at every push.
He groaned burying his head in my neck.
We kept on going until we reached our climax.
He collapsed on me breathing heavily.
He moved next to me.

Andy:" see nothing to worry about."

He said leaving a kiss on my cheek.
I got up and dressed.

Millie:" Andy, I swear if any of the boys says anything about us, I'm gonna kill you"

Even though we were careful about being silent I'm scared someone will say something.

Andy:"don't worry about, they're just jealous because I can fuck you with your  amazing body."

He winked at me.

Millie: "Andy! "

We both laughed.

Andy:" I love you"

Millie:" i love you too"

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