Jack-imagine For Leonie (smut)

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Leonie's pov:

Leonie:" how long will it take you?"

I asked impatiently.
He's currently driving to my house. I invited him over to catch up.
He's been on tour for a couple months and we didn't really get to see each other.
We've been friends for years and just a few months ago I realized I have feelings for him.
Everytime I see him my feel ings get stronger.

Jack :" around twenty minutes."

Leonie:" that's too much. I've missed my best friend."

I said joking.
Best friend. We are just best friends. Not less, not more.
And we'll never be more. He doesn't even like me in that way.

Jack:" I missed you too but I can't fly. "

As he said that, although I couldn't see him, I knew he was smiling widely.

Leonie:" I know. Niemw hurry up. See you later."

I said laughing quietly.

Jack:" bye."

After a while I heard the door bell ringing.
I ran to the door and opened it.
Without saying a word I slang my arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight hug.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head on my neck.
While I felt his scent filling my senses.

Jacj:" hi to you too."

He said laughing as we pulled apart.

Leonie:" I told you I missed you."

Then we got in and sat on the sofa.

Jack :" so how's life going?"

He asked smiling sweetly.

Leonie:"good. What about you? How was tour?"

Jack:" amazing. I had so much fun."

He said smiling. I love how he enjoys performing. He looks always so comfortable on stage.
While talking I felt his warm hand on my leg.
I was crossed legs facing him and the smae for him.
He started tracing imaginary shapes on my skin.
I looked at his hand and without realizing it we both stopped talking.
I looked up at him to meet his green eyes.
He looked at me intensely.
Then he slowly started getting closer.
I closed my eyes and suddenly his lips were on mine. He kissed me delicately.
But in a few seconds the kiss turned into a hungry, passionate make out.
It almost felt surreal.
My head stopped working and I let my feelings take over me.
He cupped my cheek and I wrapped my arms around his neck I pulled him closer and we gradually laid on the sofa.
He was on top of me.
With a hand he grabbed the back of my knee and bent my leg.
Started rolling his hips on mine and I involuntarily lifted my hips from the sofa.
Feeling him even closer.
One of his hands tugged aat the edge of my top and he suddenly slid a hand in my pants.
My braath hitched as he moved my underwear and entered me with a finger.
He started kissing my neck as I breathed heavily.
He left a wet trial of kisses, finding my sweet spot.
He started nibbling on it.

Leonie:" God jack"

I moaned quietly.
He started moving his fingers faster in me.
My hands ta gked in his hair as he started teasing my clit with his thumb.
His name escaped my lips loudly as I reached my climax.
He left my centre and he looked at me.
He left a kiss on my lips and I flipped us over.
Taking him by surprise.
I took off my top ans kissed his neck.
I palmed him through his jeans making him groan.
As I kissed his skin I unzipped his jeans and pulled them down enough to let me slid a hand in his underwear.
I took his length in my hand and moved it slowly.

Jack:" fuck."

He groaned lowly as I started going faster.
His hands slid on my bum and squeezed it slightly.
After a bit he was done and he let out a loud moan.
Then I laid next to him on the sofa.
None of us knew how to start the conversation.
Everything happened so quickly that we didn't had the time to stop and think.
We stayed in silence.
I turned on my side and faced the wall.
I looked blankly at it thinking about what has just happened.
He wrapped and arm around my waist and buried his head in the back of my head.
I felt his breath running down my spine.
He closed his eyes and in abut he was sleeping.
I  listened to his heart beat and slowly fell asleep too.

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @ Aurora_Fowler04

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