Rye-imagine For Hannah

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Hannah's pov:

Today I'm going to the Bristol show of the boyband roadtrip.
My best friend, rye, is in the band and
He just started tour and I wanted to surprise him.
I miss him so much, it's months that we don't see each other.
There's also a big detail, I have a huge crush on him.
We've been friends since sixth-grade and I never thought of him in that way but a few months ago everything changed
I finished getting ready before getting in the candy and start heading to the venue.
I live just thirty minutes away from there but I planned with Andy to go there in advance and surprise him.
I drove down the streets and when I was there I texted Andy.

"hannah: I'm here"

He immediately answered.

"andy: I'll come and get you"

I responded with a "OK" and put my phone back in my pocket.

After a few minutes I saw Andy.
He greeted me with a hug and we got in.
He led the way to the green room.
As I was there I saw rye, he didn't notice me though.
So I sneaked behind him and covered his eyes with my hands.

Hannah:" guess who?"

He laid his hands on mine and turned around.
He looked at me with a a surprised, happy expression and without saying a word he wrapped his arms around me.
He pulled me in a warm hug.

Rye:" Hannah what are you doing?"

Hannah:" I missed my best friend."

I said happily, but as I realized what I said I felt a bit sad.
I know he doesn't like me back and I shouldn't be feeling this way about him but it still hurts.

looked in his eyes and they changed color they were a bit deeper. It almost seemed in pain.
I covered everything with a smile and greeted the boys.
After a few hours it was time for the show to start.
The roadies were already in the venue and they were all screaming for the boys.
I love how much they support the band.
They got on the stage and started singing while I stayed back stage watching them.
I couldn't help it but look at how rye danced and sang during the show.
He looked so happy. Every time I hear him singing I fall even morefor him.
In an hour or so they started singing the last song which was "I wasn't worried".

As they finished rye spoke.

Rye:" this song is dedicated to special person. She's always by my side when I need her and I couldn't ask for a better person next to me.
So I want you, Hannah, to come on the stage."

I couldn't believe at his words. He looked at me and gestured me to get on stage.
I slowly walked in, not sure of what I had to do.
As I saw the light and all the fans looking at me my cheeks turned into a deep shade of pink.
As I was next to him he took my hand.

Rye:" Hannah, you're always there when I need you and you support in everything I do. Lately I felt different about you, and I want to ask you.... Hannah, will you be my girlfriend?"

He looked deeply into my eyes, the crowd went wild and I was nearly crying.

Hannah:" yes, yes I thousand time yes."

I nodded happily.
He wrapped his rams around me and lifted me off the ground spinning me around.
I can't believe what he just did.
He let down and as I stood on my feet he smashed his lips on mine.
The crowd went wild again, but this time I didn't care. All I could feel was our love and all I could hear was my heart racing.
He wrapped an arm around my waist.

Rye:" thank you Bristol!"

Then we got off stage.

Rye:" I love you."

He said as we were backstage then he kissed me.

Hannah:" I love you too"

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